
I want a goldfish but i wanna keep it in a bowl thats about a gallon or so can u buy goldfish that stay small?

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I want a goldfish but i wanna keep it in a bowl thats about a gallon or so can u buy goldfish that stay small?




  1. Please dont.....

  2. Some Fantail Stay Small I Have Some and They Are About This Long ooooooooo

  3. I purchased two comets (feeder goldfish) from a small pet store about 2 year ago.  I had them in a small 1/2 gallon bowl and throughout the years they got to be around 8-9 inches long up to the point where we put them in my brother's pond.  Before we put them in the pond they spawned and we ended up with close to 100 babies that we put into a separate tank.  

    I think it depends on how you care for them.  They are cold water fish so you don't need a heater, but a good airstone or perhaps the combination filter/air stone that can be stuck on the back wall of the bowl should make them pretty happy.  You should also do regular water changes and feed them a variety of foods (goldfish flakes and algae wafers or spirulina flakes).

    Basically - to answer your question - yes a gallon tank/bowl will work fine but will not guarantee that your fish will stay small.

  4. Goldies will grow to be over a foot long if raised in the proper environment.

    They are pond fish. The absolute smallest set up you could use is a filtered 10 gallon for one fancy goldie. Please read this article:

    people will argue this, saying their fish live four years in a bowl. All I can say is my fish are close to two feet and pushing 15 years old.

    Do the right thing and invest in a tank. No fish will thrive in a bowl.

  5. I've never heard or seen a big goldfish. My friend had one for about 4 years and he stayed pretty small.

    You can get them at walmart or petsmart.

  6. Most fish (including goldfish) will grow according to their environment. If you keep him in a tiny glass bowl, he'll stay tiny. If you put him in a 20 gallon tank, he'll grow bigger...etc. I personally thinks it's a bit cruel to keep anything except a betta in a gallon bowl. Not only because it have no room to swim but because goldfish are very dirty fishies and therefore need something a little bigger with filtration. At the least I would go get him a 2.5 gallon tank. the Mini-bows (available at most places including walmart) are appropriate for 1-3 small goldfish (That's what I did when I have fancy goldfish). I also tried doing it without filtration in a container about a gallon large, and the fishes would never last more than a few days. If you did want to do that, you would have to change the water a minimum of every 2, maybe 3 days. With the Mini-Bow they have a bit more room to swim and have filtration, and a nice light too.  (And a pretty reasonable price.) Win-Win situation for you and the fish!

  7. do not do this please!! ok, the myth that Goldfish grow to the size of theyre aquariums is KIND OF true, see theyre bodies stop growing but theyre organs keep going resulting in a painfull death for the lil guy =[ if you want a goldfish a 30g tank with filter is really your smallest option, even then its only enough for one.... soory=[ if you like the look of common/comet goldfish, you cna et these fish called Rosy Reds that look creepishly like reg goldies, but they need a 10 galon tank with filter, nothing less... then you can have  or 6 in the tank =]

  8. I would say out of all the gold fish do NOT get these fish they need room to swim.  coy, shubunkin.  dont get any goldfish other gold fish other than these cause the have deep bodies. black moore eyes will continue to grow so dont get them.  feeder comets, feeder commons, telescopes, eggfish, bubble eyes(EYE would suggest them LOL), celestial, or a fan tail.  thes fish other than the comet and comon will be active, if you want an active fish by a feeder rosy red minow.

    remember no deep bodied gold fish no black moores, and no coy or shubunkins!

  9. Sure. Goldfish grow with their environment. If you get a smaller bowl (a gallon) it will stay small enough for that environment. If you get a bigger bowl, he will grow.

    Don't go any smaller than a's not nice.

  10. No goldfish will stay small, unless you call 10" "small". The little goldfish you see crammed by the hundreds in tanks are called comets or common goldfish. You may also see them called "feeder fish", as some people feed them to their larger fish. However, these little fish get very, very big. And I'm talking 1 to 1.5 feet big. They are  only suitable for ponds. Fancy goldfish get around 7" long, depending on the type and need 20+ gallons. My fantail goldfish is around 10" (incl. tail) and is in a 30 gallon tank. There is no fish that should be kept in tiny bowls.


    Okay, Goldfish do NOT grow to their surroundings. Their body stops growing but their organs don't; causing severe stunting and death.

  11. To the people who say fish only grow as large as there surroundings are very ignorant,sure it may slow in growth but it will result in  a stunted and very uncomfortable fish.Most if not all animals grow to there potential size unless enviormental variables affect them . its like saying if i put a child in a box he wont outgrow it. its a flawed argument and needs to be seen as the c**p it it . plz dont expect a goldfish to live out its life in a bowl.

  12. Goldfish don't do well in bowls.

    "The oldest recorded goldfish lived to 49 years, but most household goldfish generally live only six to eight years, due to being kept in bowls."-

    “ Bowls give fish “a distorted view of reality.”.” - peta

    "1. They do not allow fish much room to move around and exercise.

    2. It is hard to keep a constant temperature as small volumes of water change temperature faster. If the room temperature goes up or down, so will the water. In a window with direct sunlight, bowls may overheat.

    3. A heater cannot normally be used (not a factor for cold water fish).

    4. There is no filtration.

    5. The water quality will be very poor. Normally, the nitrogen cycle cannot be completed so that ammonia and/or nitrite are always present requiring daily or almost daily 50% water changes to keep the water within safe ranges.

    6. Cleaning is usually difficult as most bowls have narrow necks. Gravel vacuuming has to be done with air line tubing or not done at all. Cleanings often require removing the animals which is very stressful.

    7. Oxygen levels will be low without water movement and with overcrowding. While labyrinth fish like bettas and paradise fish can utilize atmospheric oxygen if they must, they still would prefer to have oxygen in the water as well.

    8. Most bowls do not have lids, and fish often jump out.

    9. Fish may become bored with nothing to explore.

    10. Small containers are easy to knock over.

    11. Bowls are more apt to be neglected." -

    "Myth: Goldfish can live happily in a bowl.

    Fact: Goldfish may survive in a bowl, sometimes even for years but certainly cannot reach their full potential in a container under 10 gallons. Consider that a mature goldfish may reach 6 to 12 inches, and it is easy to see that such a fish could not even fit in a so-called "goldfish bowl." Keeping any fish in a tiny bowl (even the poor tortured betta) with no physical or mental stimulation leads to a very sad and bored fish (assuming that you believe fish can feel) as well as one prone to illness and weak in strength. Without aeration or filtration in bowls, the water will always be dirty and low in oxygen even with daily water changes. The goldfish will not stop growing to fit the size of the bowl as many people think. The fact is that most bowl-kept goldfish die in their own waste long before they can fill out the bowl but it has happened." -

  13. goldfish only get as big as the tank they are in will let them they will not grow any bigger then what they can fit in.

  14. common goldfish will grow very huge,  the fancy ones depend on its bloodline will also grow big around 6 inches without the fins.  keeping goldfish in a bowl is not advisable indoors will not grow fast however still grows.

  15. i say get a small 5 gallon tank with a filter it will live happier and cleaner life. people say you need like a 50 gallon tank for 1 goldfish but that is only if u want a giant goldfish. All fish will only grow to the size of their needs and their home.

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