
I want a guinea but my mom said no i told her that i would pay for it but no?

by  |  earlier

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please help me




  1. You have to show her that you're responsible enough to care for a guinea pig. Maybe after she sees that you can take care of it she'll let you.

  2. Taking utmost care of a guinea pig, costs about $3,000 a year. Cavies live on average 5-8 years. Are you prepared to pay $3,000 x 8 = $24,000?  

  3. We have 2 pigs and they are a lot of work. We spend a lot of money on their food because they get fresh veggies, hay and grains everyday.  They are also very messy with their cages, maybe she doesnt want to deal with the mess?  

  4. she probably thinks they smell bad do some research and prove to her both that you are responsible and that they only smell if you dont clean there cage  

  5. Tell her that I first started looking after guinea pigs when I was 12. (altough we did have some when I was 3) and I can honestly say they taught me about responsibility and really made my teenage years easier. They are therapeutic pets and if I ever felt upset I would get one out and cuddle it. I am now 17 and have 8. My parents have never regretted letting me keep guinea pigs. We aren't rich and yet can afford 8 - they aren't as expensive as some people make out. You can reduce costs by buying in bulk - you can get a HUGE bale of hay from a farmer for £2 rather than buying a small bag in a petshop for £10.

    Good luck and I hope I have helped!

  6. you know what, the same thing happened to me with a mouse (i have had five in my life so far) and then i said i would pay for evry little detail of the cage and she said she  woulsd let me and she offered to pay for the bedding!

    if  u dont already do chores every week, maybe u can do chores and every week get paid and save up and pay for lots of things for the guina pig. i want one..but for me too expensive. (i earn 8$ a week)

  7. Your mom probably just doesn't want a guinea. They can be smelly and messy, and even if you are the one paying for it, she may seem like she's the one taking care of it. You should try to show your responsibility, but don't let on that you're just doing it for the guinea. Then, after a couple weeks, ask again.

  8. ask her why, and tell her that you will be responsible for it.

  9. show her you can be responsible

  10. Honestly, if your parent(s) aren't on board, getting a pet is not that great an idea.  Even if you take care of the day to day stuff like cleaning the cage and giving them food & water, you parent(s) are still going to be partly responsible for the health and well-being of the animal.  If you don't have a job they are going to be the one(s) buying the food and supplies and taking the guinea pig to the vet if it gets sick (which can cost a lot of money).  And there are going to be times when you are unable to take care of your pet, like when you get really busy or sick, or even maybe when you are old enough that you go off to college. (Guinea pigs can live over 8 years and many college campuses, in the US at least, don't allow pets in the dorms) Your parent(s) are going to be the ones caring for the guinea pig then.  

    If your mom really isn't interested in your pet she may cut corners like buying poor quality food. Or not understanding that they are best kept in pairs and insisting you you only have one.  She may insist that a good-sized cage takes up too much room and insist your guinea pig live in a tiny one.  If your guinea pig gets sick and you want to take him to the vet she may dismiss the idea of taking the animal there.

    Even if you do have a job, make sure you have a lot saved for emergency medical expenses and that you have the ability to drive yourself to a vet.  One of my guinea pigs got sick recently and it took 3 vet visits and lots of different medicines to finally figure out what was wrong with him.  Ended up costing me ~700 US dollars when all was said and done.  I told my mom about it over the phone and she told me she "Never would have paid that much" and I told her that's why I waited until I was 22, done with college, and had a job before I got pets because I knew how irresponsible SHE would be.

    Not what you wanted to hear, I know.  Sorry if it seems harsh, but it's really something you should consider.

  11. WHY MOM WHY thats what you should say

  12. What's to help with?  Your mom & dad call the shots in their house, right?

    Why not ask your mom why she doesn't want you to have one.  She may have a good reason for it.  Allergic maybe?  Concerned about odor?  Or fleas?  

    Do some homework about caring for them, and what to do in certain situations - show  your mom that you WILL be responsibe with this pet.  This means that YOU have to make sure it has food and water each and every day you have it, and that YOU give it some excercise a few times a week outside of it's cage or tank.  There is a lot of maintenance daily & weekly when you own a pet, so make sure you are up to the challenge.  If you can prove that to your mom, she may let you get one.

    Good luck.

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