
I want a guinea pig but already have a rabbit?

by  |  earlier

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i have got a rabbit but now i also want a guinea pig, as they are gorgeous and i have had 2 be4, and they where lovely pets but died at young age, do i risk telling my mum and dad or just keep it to my self. Im worried that my mum and dad might go mad and get angry with me (there a bit like that) please help!! Charlotte xx what do you think?




  1. Rabbits and Guinea, usually make best pals!

  2. It used to be common to keep them together but I do believe it's not a good idea. Cavy Rescue has excellent information.

  3. what exactly are you asking???

    you cannot keep them together - Guinea Pigs need special food - and rabbits can hurt them.

  4. If you get a guinea pig it needs at least one other guinea pig with it. You shouldn't put them with your rabbit because the rabbit might not get along with them. They need to be in seperate cages.  

  5. I would get both they love to live together my mate has both and they love it.

  6. Get another rabbit of the opposite s*x to your present one then you will get more rabbits.

  7. I would rather have a rabbit Guinea Pigs stink up the house and p**p a TON

  8. dont worry! what happened to your old guinea pigs b4 wont happen again if you look after them properly. your old ones might of come from a dodgy breeder, i had a rabbit that did. what ever you do dont go getting guinea pigs without permission, thats bad girl!

    extra tip if u do get them, dont feed them lettuce caus it contains a small bit of arsenic that can poison them. thats rabbits aswell!

  9. you can have both i keep 5 guinea pigs n 2 rabbits together n they r fine together

  10. Do not get a g.p. to go with your rabbit.

    Rabbits can pass bacterial infections onto your g.p. that could kill it.

    Rabbits need a different diet to a g.p.

    Rabbits tend to steal all the food and leave the g.p. with little fresh food causing deficiancies

    A rabbit can kick out and injure a g.p.

    and for the benefit of the person saying that lettuce has arsnic in it...some types of lettuce contain a white sap called lactucarium. This can cause sever digestive upset and is also very watery and can cause diahorrea.

  11. I had a rabbit and a guinea pig in the same cage before. My rabbit kept ripping out the guinea pigs hair and stressing it out. It then died at an early age.  I don't think you should get a guinea pig if you have a rabbit.

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