
I want a hamster really bad

by  |  earlier

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hi i really want a hamster and i asked my parents and said no and i said but i will pay for it and they said no and then i asked why and they and they said no because i didn't take care of my fish but fish are boring to me and i asked nice and they still said no so could you please give me advice:(:(:(:(




  1. Hamsters honestly don't do very much. You can watch them run around or play in their wheels and whatever, but it doesn't get much more exciting than that. I'm assuming they wouldn't let you have a dog or anything like that, so I'm ruling that possibility out. Two pets I recommend are hedgehogs and small tortoises. They're more exciting than hamsters.


  3. if your neighbors have a hamster ask them if you could take care of it to show your parents you are responsible

  4. Well taking care of an animal is a big responsibility. I know you said you will pay for it but are you able to pay for the upkeep on the hamster. Like when you need new bedding or food for the hamster can you go out and buy it? If it becomes ill and has to go to the vet are you able to pay the vet bill and pay for the medication? If you say no to these then maybe you should wait until you have a job and a car and then ask mom. Your mom is probably just afraid that you will take care of it for a week and then when it becomes boring she will end up having to take care of it.  

  5. I would say try showing your responsible by taking care of your fish and your parents might be more likely to let you get a hamster. Usually, parents want to see how you will do with fish before they allow you to move on to other pets. Your parents just want to know you'll be willing to take on the responsibility of caring for your hamster. It sounds like your on the right track by saving your money.

    Good luck! =)

  6. i had the same problem what i did was...

    #1 did extra chores to show responsabilty

    #2 looked up hamsters and stuff like that abd told my parents

    #3 i had a gunie pig b4 the hamster and didnt take care of it but told my parents hamsters arent that mucch work unlike other animals

    #4 kept asking XP

    soon my parents said maybe then one day we were at the pet store:)

  7. bet you really wanted your fish at one point.

    dont think you should get one, if you find animals boring after a while,

  8. Do you really think you are able to pay for a hamster? Think about this...

    Typical costs:

    Adult Syrian hamsters are about 6-inches long and have been bred for a variety of colors and run $5 -$20 each. They are territorial and should be kept one to a cage. They live 2 to 3years.

    Full-grown Dwarf hamsters reach only 2-3 inches long and cost $4 -$13. They are often sold in pairs for around $20. They live around 1 and a half years.

    Robvorski Hamsters are small even for dwarfs at 1-2 inches and cost $13 -$30. They have an easygoing temperament, but are very fast and difficult to catch.

    Additional costs:

    Hamsters thrive best in open-air cages which run from $30 -$50.

    Pine or cedar litter can cause respiratory problems, so hamster owners use either Aspen shavings that run about $3.50 per bag, or Carefresh--a recycled newspaper product priced around $5, to line the cage bottom. Hamsters will pick a specific corner of the cage to use for droppings, which should be spot cleaned daily. The entire bedding material should be changed out once a week for a monthly cost of $14 -$20. The Human Society website gives tips on hamster care.

    Basic hamster food mix runs $5 -$6 per 2-pound bag, which should last about a month. Water bottles cost around $2.

    Carriers for outings run $10 -$16.

    Hamsters exercise at night and may run several miles on rotating wheels that cost $4 to $20.

    here is another average price list.

    Bag of pelletsevery 2mo. @ $10.00 $60.00

    Fresh veggies and fruitevery mo.@$5.00 60.00

    Hay (Timothy)2 bales @ $5.00 each 10.00

    White wood shavings5 bales @ $10.00 each 50.00

    Annual veterinarian checkup 45.00


    *please note that is not the Adoption cost at an SPCA shelter, this is an approximate yearly cost of keeping the animal$225.00

  9. oh my god, i have the exact same problem. i didn't take care of my fish so my dad is saying no, but my mom said it's okay as long as my dad says yes. i also i would pay for my hamster too.i'd say make a really, really good list with the top reasons why you should get a hamster. you should tell them you won't stop asking until they say yes, also tell them you'll have more respect for them if they do let you get one and you'll do whatever it takes to get a hamster. hoped this helped!  

  10. Promise them that you'll take care of your hamster.  How old are you?  You have to be sure that you really want a hamster and want to take care of it, clean the cage, feed it well, know how to handle it, etc.  Not all hamsters like to be held and cuddled, so you might want to keep that in mind.  I'm not saying you will, but after awhile of having the hamster you might get bored of it too!  Maybe your parents are worried about that...

    Other than that show that you're really mature and responsible and ready to have a pet hamster and take care of it with lots of love.

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