
I want a harder over-hand serve in volleyball?

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When i serve it gets over fine but it looks like an underhand and its soft, help ??!




  1. Standing top spin serves are usually not that good. Work on your floater.

    Practice a lot. Control is often more important than being able to serve hard. And power comes in time.

    Hit the ball with the hard part of your hand. Thick part above the wrist.

    Good luck

  2. The best way to get a tougher overhand serve is keep serving! Seriously  - experiment in practice or at an open gym or whenever you can get a ball in your hands. Sometimes taking an extra step before making contact will give more power. A tip, though - power is not always better in serving. If you can control or place your softer serve, it becomes a huge advantage. when you or your coach look across the net at your opponents and see the setter has to run all the way from one side to the other to be ready, you can drop the serve right where she will need to go and really mess them up!

  3. You know the part where your hand kind of "ends" and the part known as the wrist "begins"? Hit the ball around that area, maybe a little higher. Don't hit in your palm, because it'll hurt and you won't get much power. Hit at the bottom of your palm.

  4. The serve is all about the arm swing. The faster the arm swing the harder the ball is going to go over the net! So to increase the intensity and speed... just speed up your armswing during the swing in the serve.

  5. u need to have a nice and high-ish toss IN FRONT OF U...dont hit it from behind ur head....if u do the ball will float high in the air...and make sure to make good contact wit the ball.....try doin a few push-ups a day to make ur arms me it works!!! good luck...hope u get a killa serve!!! :D

  6. Hey thnks 4 answrng my question... I will help if i can. i hve been playing volleyball since 7th grade and i have set 4 school records... one of which is serving. The way i serve is when i toss the ball i put a backwards spin on it. I toss with my right hand put the backspin on and then hit it ! I had a lot of aces last year for my High School team. It helps if you are pretty talltoo. hope this helps

  7. it is not how hard u hit the ball but your placement and spin making the ball unreturnable i served underhand in a high school team and had the most aces. when you throw the ball up flick ur wrist so it has spin going away from u this will make the drop and hard to hit back but be sure to hit the ball high in the air but on top of the ball also

  8. Serve with a top spin.

    Ask your coach to teach you how to do it.

  9. Top-Spin. Flick your wrist. Swing faster!!

    GooD LucK!

    ß∂ߥ ßLµ∑ ß∂LL∑®

  10. here im awsome at over hand but heres my trick i dont hit the ball with the palm of my hand i hit it just below becuz  like where my thumb attaches to my hand its harder there so more muscel or how ever u spell it it worx ever timebut u have to take a rlly good step

  11. I have been over-hand serving for awhile and i'm great at it!!! but the thing that makes an over-hand serve great is the swing!!! when you go to serve step into the ball and lean with it, it will create a hard swing and the ball will sail right to the ground  (on your opponents court of course)!!! lol GOOD LUCK!! :)  need anymore help or tips?? i'd be glad to answer your questions just contact me!!

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