
I want a helix piercing do you think they look good?

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or are they 'chav-like'.?

and which is better, a bar or a ring?

and i'd eventually like to change it to a thicker cuff, how long would it have to be in before i could change?




  1. Its not chavvy. Go to a professional piercer though its better for healing. Bar is better, less movement and heals better. I would give it good 6 months before changing it, cartilage piercings can be a pain.

  2. dont do it......

  3. or are they 'chav-like'.? no, they are very cute

    and which is better, a bar or a ring? STUD

    and i'd eventually like to change it to a thicker cuff, how long would it have to be in before i could change? i have no clew

    and also, dont be afraid to get it done with a gun!!! I did it, im fine, no broken cartialage here!

  4. i think they are good

    but they defiantly look better with a bar.

    this piercing takes in between 3-6 months to heal properly

    so really, you can change it after a month if your lucky.

  5. Monroes are chav-like, not helixes. I have a helix piercing and I think they look nice.

    When you first get it done, get it done with a bar, after about two months change it too a shorter bar, and then at around four months change it too a ring. The reason being, when you put a ring in, because it curves if you do it too early like I did it hurts and irritates the piercing and can cause hypotrophic scarring (lumps around the entry and exit points of the piercing)

    Helix piercings because of where they are take ages to heal, so I would say wait at least 6 months to a year before you change it too a thicker cuff.

    If you know whats good for you, you will get it pierced with a needle at a professional piercing place, guns are bad, you risk infection (catching things like HIV) and broken cartilage, plus they take longer to heal and hurt more than a needle.

    Good luck :)

  6. yeah i like them. just dont get it done with a gun like i did. it took like a year and a bit to stop hurting.

  7. extreamly chavvy and horrid in my opinion

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