
I want a horse...???

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I want to get a horse so bad but my parents won't let me get one...

I have somewhere I could keep it ( my aunt's farm ) And we go up there lots...

My parent's keep saying that I can get one when I move out and I am only turning 14 so if anyone could help me I would greatly appreciate it...

Thanks !




  1. Grow up and move on. There are thousands of horses going to slaughter after little children out grow fanciful dreams and abandon their dream horse to solitude and neglect. Wait until you are more mature and winging it on your own and then if you find that you are ready for the commitment of caring for a horse for the lifetime of the horse then buy one. In the meantime it is better that you leave that decision to adults and just rent a horse when they allow you to. A horse is a living creature deserving the best of care and a lifelong commitment and I have two boarded at my stables now of which parents bought for their juvenile daughters and after they had been so badly neglected on a self board contract and boarding fees stopped being paid I turned them out to 24/7 pasture care at my own expense and I would wager the farm that this is an experience that is repeated in thousands and thousands of similar cases across the nation every year.

  2. tell them it will motivate you to do well in school and household chores..

  3. Where do you live?

    Try finding a horse thats available for lease in your area! It's an excellent way to start! I leased a horse for two years before I bought my own but i still consider my leased one my first horse because I was the only one who rode him or cared for him.

  4. You have to understand that a horse takes A LOT of responsibility and time. You have to exercise it, take it to vet atleast twice a year for checkups, feed it, pay for injuries or illnesses, and make sure it has proper nutrition and shelter too. You parents probably don't want to pay for the care of the horse. Please be patient and try to understand that their decision is probably best. Where would you get money to take care of the horse? Would you really be willing to visit atleast 2 times a day to feed and exercise your horse? Remember that having a horse isn't always just a nice stroll through the park.

  5. Show your parents you can take care of a horse!! Do extra work at your aunt's barn....Is money an issue? Cause if it is then don't beg your could do extra chores and show you have the responsibility.....You could also just lease a horse cause that's also wicked awesome!!! I lease a horse that I do everything I did with my old horse ((RIP Comanche)) and I love him!!!!!!

    Well, Hope this helps


  6. I was in your shoes once, and I understand exactly how you feel.  I used to live in a highly crowded city area, where to get a horse then pay for board on top of that was over $1700.00 just to start. and the board was $700 of it.  I started out by taking lessons, and doing chores to pay for them, I worked at the barn and eventually joined 4-H and pony club, after a while, we moved, and my parents continued to watch me for a year, we had bought a small farm, one day, they came home with fencing material, and feed, and said lets go find you a horse.  I didn't do much but take initiative and soon my parents noticed I was really doing well, and I didn't even have to ask them, they just went and wanted to get me a horse.  It was 5 years before I even got to look, I just dreamed of that day everyday.  

    Horses are a lot of responsibility and hard work, I have had horses for a little over 8 years of my life, 13 with experience on other peoples horses, and believe me it is a lot of time and work, it will come in time.

    As for your parents, don't beg them, a hint now and again always helps, I used to look at horses4sale sites, and show my mom the good ones I found, just to show her that I was continually interested in the horses, and it wasn't just a game outside the chores I did for lessons.  Your parents will come around.

    Good luck!

    Hope this helps!

  7. im guessing you know how to ride right?

    but owning a horse is a HUGE responsibility im only 13 and i just got a horse last month, i have to wake up early every day to ride him before it gets to hot, and that also means i cant always hang out with my friends as much as i used to. and now that school is going to be starting soon, im going to have to be balancing riding with my school work. but i also have been riding since i was seven, and i had been half-leasing the horse i bought for at least...eight months so it was too bad (since i knew him and his abilities)

    but here are some websites that might help you:

  8. well try just leasing a horse or taking lessons.

    if u show ur paretns how much u truly want it, maybe uve gotta chance :];...

  9. jus keep askin. horse sale are down so u can find a good horse cheap.

  10. thats parents im afraid.

    i think half the time they make up their own rules cos it suits them and they know they can.

    Dont throw a hissy fir and behave responsably and maybe they will let you have one.

    have you talked to your nan about it?

    that may be a good idea because if shes on your side, shes their parent so you have a stronger advantage!

    good luck, horses are great and my mum pushed me into having one!! lol

  11. Become a member of a pony club or a 4-h club and that will show your parents you are responsible. You don't need to own a horse you can borrow from the pony club or4-h club. Also save some money up. Hope this helps. I have two horses an let me tell you its alot of responsibility.

  12. Sorry but parents are parents and a lot of kids ask for horses and unfortunately, most do not get them.

    you could volunteer at a local stable doing chores in exchange for lessons though. Good Luck and hopefully you find a way to work horses into your life!

  13. What I would do is make a list. Make a list about why you should get a horse, and why not. Maybe if you look at it both sides your parents will to.

  14. You need to show your parents that you can be responsible enough to be able to take care of a horse. My cousin absolutely loves horses, but her parents keep moving and they live in an area where there's not a lot of space for a horse. Parents will be parents. If you can get your aunt on your side, and maybe your grandparents too, they will see your side. Ask your parents why they won't let you get a horse. Take on some extra chores to show your responsibility. Hope I helped and Good Luck!

  15. horses are very expensive animals. Seeing as your horse would be staying at your aunt's farm, you would need to help provide for food, vet bills, shoeing....etc. I can understand why your parents would not want to invest into that right now. Instead of owning a horse, why not shareboard. You half own the horse at half the price (you would pay half the board, shoes, vet bills...etc.). This way you are committed to taking care of a horse, but not at such a high expense. Try shareboarding first and if you are still interested in getting a horse, sit down with your parents. If they see that you are willing to help pay for the horse, take care of it, and have the time for one, maybe sometime down the road they will buy you one.

    Good luck

  16. Yeah, I know, that is what happened to me too.  I did have to wait until I was on my own!!  

    You didn't say if you ride now all you said is you want a horse.  Do you want a pet horse like a mini or a horse to ride?  Also, have you discussed your idea with your Aunt?  Does *she* want a horse?

    I know it is hard and you think your parents are mean like I did (and with a whole lot more things than horses too!!).  I hope you earn your wish and don't have to wait as long as I did.

    Also, now that I'm older...I *sometimes* (lol) have a better appreciation for what my parents did and didn't do "for me"...I'm sure you too,  someday, will have that same understanding of *things*!!

    Good Luck!!

  17. Do you have any experience with horses? If not try getting a half-dead horse that is Bombproof! And is your aunt going to pay for the feed, vet, farrier, etc...... You have to think about the other stuff when buying a horse, not just where you'll keep it...I'm sorry if i sound harsh but it's the truth

  18. first tell them a list of things you would do if u get a horse,then if they dont agree with any of that then ask then what they want if u get a horse(as in like they would want you to clean ur room every week or so,and make sure the horse is clean and fed every day).and u could start saving up for a horse but there are some reasons not to get a horse...they cost like $1,000!and they have t be fed each also might be hard to go there every day and ride them during the  winter.
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