
I want a lizard i can walk around with, bearded dragon..?

by  |  earlier

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i would like to have a lizard that i can just chill with and carry it around and a bearded dragon lookes pretty cool.

help please.

and thanx.




  1. Bearded dragons are the best to carry! They're docile and love being held (Because humans body temp is just right for them) They love being held and cuddled! I'd definatly recommend them!

    (B.t. skinks and monitors are also okay to hold, they're not as docile as Beardies though ^_^)

  2. frill dragon [yes they sell them i have one its awesome i love it best purchase ever!] or  monitor even an igunana would be good

  3. bearded dragons blue tongued skinks and iguanas are all good handling pets but make sure you know what requirements they need.

  4. Bearded dragons can definitely be taken out and carried, as long as it is handled gently throughout its lifetime. My friend has an iguana is very tolerant to being handled/cuddled, and she ca even take it out on walks; however they grow to be quite large which is a factor to consider. Bearded dragons are much easier to keep as they stay relatively small.

  5. bearded dragons  arnt just  pets u can chill with they requir a lot of work and mony if u get a baby then  it wont just chill with u at first he will be curious with his surrondings  i have a baby for about 4 monthes he is just now starting to chill with me  well good luck with ur beardie

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