
I want a new plant what should i get?

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in my 10 gallon tank i only have 1 live java fern with 3 fake plants. My fish are 2 guppies, 2 cories and 1 snail. I want a plant that can handle not being specially cared for with low-moderate light. Any suggestions?

also i need to be able to get it at my local petsmart. (so it must be pretty common.




  1. yes, you can get it at pet stores, i'm not sure if they'll all have them but petsmart does!

    you might want to take one fake plant out and replace it but it would probably be fine not to do that!

  2. you get plants at petsmart? ugh. good luck. the petsmart that i go to has gross looking plants. java fern is about all you can get if you don't want to devote a lot of time to it and your tank has low-moderate light. hopefully it's getting some sort of fertilizer, though. that will make it healthier.

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