
I want a new wedding dress...?

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I already bought a wedding dress back in January of 2008 (this year) but I have shopped around a bit since then and found some other dresses that I really love. I bought my dress kinda out of the spur of the moment because it was on sale and I liked it at the time and I hadn't gone anywhere else to look for dresses. Most of my family thinks that I'm crazy and that I can't just sell my dress and buy another one, but I don't want to be unhappy if I think that I made the wrong decision. What should I do?




  1. I did the same exact thing!!! But, caught it a little sooner and returned it to the store for a credit.  Luckily, the lady let me.  And, I found my dream dress at the same store, lol. Go with your gut.  You can completely sell your dress. Or possibly take it back to the store for credit if it hasn't been already altered? Try putting it on craigslist and see if you get any hits... Or, if your dress isn't too terribly different than the other you'd prefer, maybe take it to a seamstress and have her alter it?  They can do some AMAZING things...

    Hope that helps.. but no matter what you go with, you're day will be wonderful.. it's really your marriage that's the most important when it all boils down to the nitty gritty. :) Good luck! And CONGRATULATIONS!!!

  2. You're not crazy. I did the same first dress was only $ if you spent a lot on the first dress maybe you should think about it a little more. It is only going to be worn for less than one day, so you need to think about the cost etc. They aren't easy to sell either. E-bay is WAYYY too much of a pain to sell a dress, so don't even bother. I've tried selling mine through classifieds and haven't had any luck. So be aware that it may be really hard to find a buyer. I understand your situation totally though. If money isn't an issue, then go for it. You want to feel perfect on your wedding day!

  3. maybe u could work something out with the store u bought grown from

  4. Its your day and you should feel special ... sell the one you have and search for that 'special one'

    Good luck

  5. Go with your gut.

    Wait until you find another one you love, then sell it.

    Looking at dresses is one thing, but I wonder if you've tried any on?  I'm sure you remember that on the rack looks very different than on the body.  Anyways, good luck.  

    When is your wedding by the way?  I don't see a problem with it as long as you have ample time to order it or whatever.

    Good luck

  6. You should wear a dress that makes you feel special, not because it's on sale. Find one you truly love, then sell your old one. Remember, this is your wedding day -- not your wallet's.

  7. First of all, try on the dress you want to wear.  You have to feel good in it.  If it doesn't feel right, don't get that dress.  If you do find another dress that you really love, ask the dress shop if she'll buy the other one, never used.  Or, just sell it on eBay or in your paper...  and do say it's never been worn, give the size too.  

  8. If you want another dress and have the means to do so, get it!  It will keep bothering you if you don't.  And you can sell the other since it was never worn it should be fairly easy.  Try craiglist, ebay,, want ad, local paper, and consignment stores

  9. wait.  don't do anything yet. chances are you will fall back in love with your gown and be very happy with it.  

    you don't say when you are getting married but if you are in the habit of changing your mind often and you simply must have another wedding gown then wait til your wedding is close enough that you won't have time to change your mind again.

    happy wedding!

  10. Im in your shoes babe! I bought a dress on craigslist cleaned it up and made it looking nice but now I have found that I love much much more. So I would suggest put it on craigslist and see what you can get for it and if not Ebay it. Its your wedding your day your happiness. Do what feels right! I talked to my fiance and he said put it on craigslist and use the money you get for it on the dress you love not the one you like!!! Hope it helps and congrats!!!

  11. donate it...give it away....turn it into another dress...

    whatever you do, if you're unhappy with that dress - don't wear it and get yourself another one (given that your budget allows it)

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