
I want a nose job???????????

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i want to get a nose job because i think my nose is too big for my face....

heres my nose..

i want a nose like hilary in this pic....cute small nose

please dont be too you think im being too self-concious




  1. ur nose is fiiiine!!!

    keep it!!! it's not alwayz that u see nice long noses.. i gota really small nose and i wish it was longer...


  2. I used to think my nose was too big (well, too long, actually) but I've had a lot of people tell me it isn't and now I don't think it is.  I was being too self-critical.

    If your nose works, I'm not a big fan of nose jobs (though if you, like, get it smashed by a football like Marcia Brady, then, yeah, you can have it fixed.)  A bad thing about plastic surgery is that people get "addicted" to it, because actually, they get one thing fixed and then they start paying attention to some other "problem" that wasn't that big a deal before.  It's all about hating one thing, fixing it, then shifting your focus onto something else that wasn't messed up in the first place.

    Really think hard about yourself, your looks in general, your whole life.  Are you looking at a nose job like it'll fix everything wrong with you?  Because it won't.  Even if it were seriously messed up, it wouldn't change you that much to get it fixed.  Make sure that you're not focusing on your supposed problematic nose just to avoid focusing on things that you probably ought to be improving.

    What are you really avoiding by thinking about your nose?  Do you wish you had more friends, or that you were more confident, or that you had better relationships with the people you already know?  What exactly would a new nose do for you?  Is there any way to get that without a nose job?

    Because if there's work you need to do on yourself, that's work that a nose job won't fix.  I think your nose is fine and you're trying to ignore something else that's wrong.  Imagine yourself as a "new" person--what do you want to change, really?  Who do you really want to be?

    I'm betting a nose job won't get you what you really want.  So stop focusing on the wrong thing and start working on what you need to do to become the person you want to be.  Change is hard, but improving yourself is the best investment you could possibly make.

  3. Keep your current nose, it looks good on your face.

  4. I think you are being too self conscious ! You have a nose that is in proportion to your face. Its not too big for your face, and it makes you YOU right? Enjoy the beautiful features that you have, someone else's nose won't look the same on your face. You're beautiful just the way you are!

  5. I don't know why you wanna get a nose job

    I mean your nose looks fine to me

  6. i think its fine. plus there are so many things going wrong with cosmetic surgeries lately . if u decide to do it...make sure you do all your research

  7. I think your nose looks fine, but it's down to you. Personally I don't think you should have the surgery, maybe try doing things differently, but not dramatically. If you feel self concious, change your dress sense, hairstyle, anything! But don't do anything as dramatic as surgery until you are sure you want it.

  8. you don't need a nose job!!! your nose is not too big for your face! your nose is proportional to everything else.

    i think your being too self-concious, but we all do that to ourselves (i think my forehead is rediculously big and i think my feet are too big) besides, plastic surgery is expensive and it probably hurts a lot afterwards!

  9. yeah i would get one.

    Nose jobs aren't that big of a deal and if it makes you

    feel better about yourself then go for it

    anyone can use a self-esteem booster ;]

  10. don't do it cuz they'll mess u up even more.  

  11. I think I want a nose like Hilary too!

    To be perfectly honest, you have a very nice nose yourself. I would not spend the money, unless you simply had the money to throw away.  You do not have a nose that is too big for your face. It's actually a pretty cute one!  So unless you do have money to burn, I'd say stick with what you have. It's cute!

  12. Hey, dont be stupid... i think u should accept the way u r & let the world take u for wat u r not wat u look...

    god has created each 1 of us uniquely...& nobody is perfect...!!!

    dont go in for a change outwards, but becomr b'ful inside, i mean it..!

    if u'll only refuse to accept urself, how do u think the world out there will appreciate u...

    so be confident...dont change for anybody...

    let them love u in ur original form..

    & LOVE URSELF...


  13. i think you should fix your overbite instead of getting a nose job. your overbite makes your nose look a little bigger than it is. Look at your pic and imagine what it would look like if your lips were lined up. why have plastic surgery if theres an easier solution?

  14. I would say yea of course go for it it can't hurt to try!

  15. it's too hard to tell from the side. I'd need to see a front picture of your face to tell. from the side, you don't look like you have a huge nose or anything, though. I'd say you are being too self-conscious.

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