
I want a nose piercing so bad, but my mom says for me to wait till im 16? anyway i can get it then hide it?

by Guest64990  |  earlier

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I want a nose piercing so bad, but my mom says for me to wait till im 16? anyway i can get it then hide it?




  1. Too bad that you have to be 18 without parental consent..

    Tough luck, kiddo.  

  2. well at hottopic there is a nose ring where is it clear and u cant see it so i would get that i have one for work  

  3. Under 18 you need a parent actually in the store with you and sign in front of the person doing the piercing. So to answer you, no, you probably won't get the chance to even try to hide it because you wont be able to get it done.

  4. You can try to hide it but its going to be very noticeable because its on your nose. Just wait till your 16. Its not that big of a deal to have one anyway.

  5. why can't you just be an obedient child and wait till you're 16.

    Imagine about what kind of drama could start if you do it and she finds out and gets mad.

  6. how are you going to hide ur face?

  7. No you cant hide it

    wait till your 16

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