
I want a pet bird but.....

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I own two cats. Is it dangerous to have a bird in a house with cats? Any tips? Or is it a bad idea? the cats are grown.




  1. Just make sure you keep a close eye on them when your bird is out they might just become the best of friends

  2. Since they are grown it may not be a good idea,you could keep them in different rooms,if you have to have one.

                      Debbie O

  3. Don't worry, most birds are not a threat to the cats.:)

  4. I have 2 cats and had a lovebird and now i have a Indian ringneck and a Quaker. Some people say its bad to have birds around house cats because of so bacterial thing that can kill birds (small ones). But i never had any problems. At first they mite try to kill them but they will soon realize that the bird is the new baby of the family. My cats did.

  5. I have all kinds of birds and two cats. It really depends upon the living situation. do the cats have access to the whole house?  I have to close a door so that the birds don't feel like they are being stalked the  whole time I am gone. I was told that Persians would be laid back and not interested in birds. So, I decided to get Himalayans (Persian and Siamese mix). Well, one of the cats (4 yrs. old now) ignores the birds and is more interested in sleeping than doing anything else (typical Persian behavior). Whereas, the other Himalayan (4 yrs) is fascinated with my Double Yellow Headed Amazon. The bird is large and the cat is declawed so I am not worried about the bird. What I am worried about is if the cat did something stupid the parrot would seriously wound the cat! If the cat did have claws; well, one scratch and the bird would die of toxic poisoning.

    I have the huge cages and I have mesh half way up the sides so the cat cannot put their paws between the bars. I also have to keep the top covered so that the cats don't jump up on top of the cages.

    With careful fore thought they can coexist together in one home. When I am gone though; I keep them shut up in one half of the house so they can't torment the birds.

    Even though the cats are grown they do have animal instincts which is inbred. A small bird may be better if you can put the cage up where the cats cannot jump up and frighten them. You see; my cats do not bother the Cockatiel and Quakers, Budgies, Indian Ringneck because I have them in a  bird Aviary room where they never see them. I have a Lovebird in the living room but the cage is suspended from the ceiling and they cannot get near it.

    careful planning is the key. Think carefully. The bird could become very stressed and ill if the cats find the birds fascinating.

  6. no just make sure they can't get to it.

  7. Dont  do  it  because  the  cats  may  look  nice  but  next  thing  u  know  bye  bye  birdie  lol  its  true

  8. most cats don't along with birds.  I'm so sorry but a bird's not the best choice if you have cats.

  9. it shouldn't be a problem, but you would have to watch the birds closely for the first year that you have the birds because cat scratches are poisonous to birds and it can kill them. but i have a dog and she doesn't bother my birds at all. it depends, just watch and then if they are acting weird then just keep an eye on the cats. if you want a small bird (parakeet) that might not be so great because it would probably taunt the cat but a big bird (parrot.cockatoo) might go after your cats or start problems, because they are much stronger, i would get an average sized bird.

  10. I've had a cat and a bird.

    My cat was a farm cat though, so he attacked it.

    I think it depends on your cats.

  11. it depends on your cat's personalities. most cats will go and try to attack the bird, which will scare the bird and believe it or not, the bird can die from being scared. and birds chirp like crazy. i think you should just stick to cats.

  12. keep them in separate rooms. I have 2 hamsters and a dog.

    Well...I used to have 3 hamsters but my dog ate one of

    them...yeah...his name was mr.nibbles...:'( so yeah keep

    them away from eachother!!!

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