
I want a pet but not sure which of the following to get

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m deciding between hamster rat guinea pig or bunny

i want one of those my mom says to get a rat but idk

i know they r all similar but its so hard and which would be best for 13 year old girl

****which is less likely to bite me to

and wich is easiest to take care of




  1. Hamsters are the easiest to take care of among the three animals you listed. You can get them their exercise and interest in easy ways:

    ---colorful houses with tubes for them to climb in

    ---running wheels (which don't really work for guinea pigs and bunnies)

    ---plastic balls to roam around in (keeps them from running under the sofa, etc)

    ---toys, special foods, chew sticks

    Hamsters are naturally solitary, so just one by itself is happy, even if you decide not to spend time with it for a few days, as long as you check each day that it has food, water and a clean cage.

    Guinea pigs need to be let out of the cage for exercise & need attention from you every day, particularly if you have just one by itself. They also need very large cages. Don't get the purvian variety with the very long fur that drags on the ground - you'll be brushing and clipping all the time and it'll still get tangled and dirty! (Shorter furred varieties are the most common in pet stores and don't have this problem.) Guinea pigs will yell to you for treats and they should get fresh veggies every day! (They also purr when they are happy and have fun individual personalities/likes/dislikes.)

    I don't have much experience with keeping rabbits indoors. A large rabbit, though, will need a very large cage . . .  

  2. Get a dwarf Hamster :)

  3. I say a rat, they are very smart(smart enough to train), and make excellent pets. Even though I had a pet snake in the past that ate rats, I still would never put them off to make a great pet.

    (In my experience) Rabbits have a tendency to bite, Guinea Pigs smell, and hamsters aren't very interesting and bite often.

  4. bunnys are cute but i love piggies

    so cute...

  5. get a rat. the only time they may bite you, is if you've just handled food with your hands, but they dont bite hard, its more of a nibble. 1 of my rats never bites me even if ive just handled food with my hands, he just licks me

  6. Get a Guinea. They are very social and easy to take care of. They also live longer than hamsters and they make cute little talking noises. They don't bite and are very friendly.

  7. i had a bunny before but when you let it out of the cage o my gosh you better catch it before it hides somewhere in your house.and they need a lot of i wouldn't pick a bunny.hamster bites idk if it hurts because my friend has one but i will ask her .hamster are very playful and be careful when you put it in to a ball and it rolls around the house don't shake it to much it will die easily like's easy to take care of i guess.but i think  guinea pig or rat would be best .but if you are an expert they you can get one rat are very smart but you got to be careful don't let it run away

  8. All four of the animals you have listed can be wonderful pets. However, you must take into consideration that in 5 years or so, you'll be leaving for college. What will happen to the pet then? I wouldn't recommend you get a guinea pig or a rabbit because of this unless you're willing to adopt an older pet from a shelter/rescue. It wouldn't be fair to your mom if you leave for college and dump the pet on her. Hamsters and rats have shorter life spans and can be wonderful pets.

    Assuming you'd want a baby guinea pig or rabbit that I don't recommend you get at this time, I'd recommend a PAIR of rats. Rats are very, very social and should ALWAYS be kept in same s*x pairs or more. Lone rats can be very unhappy. As a result, they may be harder to handle and unsocial with humans. Rats, generally, rarely bite unless they're threatened. They're pretty easy to care for, but they do require a large cage. I'm surprised your mom is telling you to get a rat. Most parents would be squeamish! Feel lucky that your mom is allowing you that choice. I'd love for my mom to say yes to rats.

    Hamsters are, generally, easy to tame. They do tend to be more nippy than rats, though. They're nocturnal. If you wake them up, they tend to be grumpy and may want to bite. Hamsters are easy to care for, don't require as large of a cage as rats do, and are inexpensive to keep.

    I would recommend you do some research online on all four of these animals. Choose the one that best fits your lifestyle and the care you can provide for it. Keep in mind that you'll be going to college, so you may want to choose a pet with a shorter life span or adopt an older animal. Opt to adopt. Good luck!

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