
I want a pet?

by Guest62222  |  earlier

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im the baby of my house i live with my mom dad and sister. my sister is 27 so i cant really talk to her. i would love a lil brother/sister but thats not gonna happen so i thing the best next thing is a pet. i cant have a dog cuz we travel alot and my dad hates lil dogs and i cant have a cat cuz my mom hates cats and im afraid of ferrets so yea i was thinking about a rabbit but they p**p alot and idk if they would travel well also if they get to scared they can die so mayb sumthing that can live a long life. idk please sum one help me




  1. F.Y.I : Rabbits can live fpr up to 9 years if taken care of properly and they can travel, you can buy travel cages for them, and even leashes/harnesses.

    They are great companions, and are loyal, but they dont listen very well, LOL!!!!!!!

    They are like a dog, but not a messy. They are naturally clean animals.

  2. Well, if you can get mom and dad past the tail,  in my opinion a rat is the best pocket pet anyone could ask for.

    Not as nervous or smelly as a mouse, not as temperamental or delicate (or smelly) as a hamster, ok not as cute either, but they are amazingly intelligent, calm, affectionate, tolerant and..... portable !

    I don't recommend getting one of the bred-without-a-tail variety of rat because I've found they are not as calm or trusting as the 'normal' type.  I believe the lack of balance (tail) leaves them just plain uncomfortable and a bit nervous.

    Selling points are; they are incredibly clean, smart, easy to care for, mostly diurnal (meaning they won't keep you up all night in a squeaky wheel) Easily trained to do tricks, ( my friends and I gathered our pet rats and formed a RBL... rat basketball league !) They are very social and WANT your attention.  They are about as similar to a NY sewer rat as a poodle is to a laughing hyena .. In other words.. not like the same species at all, so no comparing the two.

    For a passive, affectionate, smart, easy-to-care-for traveling companion, a rat would be my first choice.

    The down side...  they live only about 3 years.

  3. chinchilla, or sugar glider?

  4. look for a bird a talking parrot they dont p**p much they dont eat much and   u wont have a problem moving it if not then a fish would be good but moving with em well spiders not by a girl it will be hard to handle hmmmmm..... i think parrot would be goood

  5. I think a hamster is your best bet. Syrians are great.

  6. Maybe a hamster? Mine is great with travelling. You can even buy harnesses for them. they don't make a sound and they don't stink. They are very playful and love attention.....and there p**p are small and they are VERY clean (well mine is) I recommend a teddy bear hamser because they aren't as small and easy to lose as other breeds. They are so soft too (especially with their winter coats!)

  7. a hampster you can teach them to p**p in jam jar lids after you have finished with them so they poo in 1 corner or somthing l love hampsters i want 1 but i have a dog

    please help me

  8. im going thru the same thing..........wen u find sumthing out plz help me out

  9. i have a cockotile

    its really good with traveling

    and i have had it for 14 yrs and they leave for ages

    or get a parrot they look really cool


    hope i helped

    love ghayead

  10. don't get a pet if you travel a lot


    a rabbit is a great pet, its practically a dog, and they don't p**p that much, but its really easy to clean. and no they dont' die that easily when they get scared. my rabbit gets scared everyday because i have a very loud and annoying 6 year old sister, and he just jumps in fear and looks around. they are a lot of work though (clean its cage every 2 or so days if you don't want they smell, play with it for a few hours, i just let mine run around whenever i'm home, rabbits are very social animals, food, toys etc.) they live long lives, depends on how you take care of it really though, if you feed it properly and don't let it live outside in the freezing cold or 100degree weather, then they may live up to 10yrs.

  11. Rabbits make great pets...BUT... they need alot of care like a cat or dog.  

    Can you provide:

    -Timothy hay daily

    -Fresh greens daily

    -At least 1-2 hours of excersize outside of their cage daily

    -Grooming - they can get hairballs like cats and need their nails trimmed regularly.

    -Altering - they should be spayed or neutered like dogs.

    And if you travel alot maybe you shouldn't get a pet just yet.  Think about volunteering at your local shelter or even provide a foster home.
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