
I want a poem or verse for my son's memorial. He was 34 years old.?

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He was on dialysis for 16 years but death was very unexpected. I miss him so much and would like to find the perfect poem or verse to put on his memorial pamphlet.. Please help




  1. "Life well spent is long." -- Leonardo da Vinci

  2. im so sorry about ur lose.

    here r some poems i found. hope it helps.

    Death is not the end

    Death can never be the end.

    Death is the road.

    Life is the traveller.

    The Soul is the Guide

    2nd one

    Our mind thinks of death.

    Our heart thinks of life

    Our soul thinks of Immortality.

        Tie the strings to my life, my Lord,

        Then I am ready to go!

        Just a look at the horses --

        Rapid! That will do!

        Put me in on the firmest side,

        So I shall never fall;

        For we must ride to the Judgment,

        And it's partly down hill.

        But never I mind the bridges,

        And never I mind the sea;

        Held fast in everlasting race

        By my own choice and thee.

        Good-by to the life I used to live,

        And the world I used to know;

        And kiss the hills for me, just once;

        Now I am ready to go!

  3. you were there

    you will always be there

    this comes from the hearts

    of ones who cared

  4. well...since you are his mother i think you should try to write it yourself...then it would be straight from the heart

  5. My deepest sympathy for your loss. THese may not be what you are looking for, but if you want to use any, it would be an honor and pleasure.

    Walk With Me

    Walk With Me

    What started on our first day

    Will stay to the last

    Walk With Me

    Feel the wind upon your face

    No urgency now

    A gentle pace

    Walk With Me

    Along the beach

    With golden sand beneath our feet

    As the sun dips into the sea

    Tears well

    Emotions deep

    Breathtaking, unable to speak

    Walk With Me

    Among the trees

    The rustle of leaves

    The groan of limbs

    As wind swirls

    Squirrels scurry for protection

    Loving arms hold you near

    Until an unwelcome presence passes

    Away from here

    Walk With Me

    Through valleys lush and green

    Crested by majestic peaks

    Covered with ice and snow

    A final journey for the weak

    A comfort for us below

    Walk With Me

    As we have

    Your hand in mine

    Forever through the span of time


    For One Hour

    If I had only one hour with you,

    I would ask that hour be in God's own time,

    one hour, a lifetime, every second

    an expression of love,

    every moment a new adventure.

    Sixty minutes to slowly pass

    with you at my side,

    a never-ending dream,

    always giving thanks,

    one hour with you,

    would be for eternity.


    What greater honor, that when a man moves forward,

    he leaves behind in each of us

    the best of what he was.

    Mac McGovern

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