
I want a puppy but i don't know but i really want one.?

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hey well i want a young pup or puppy as in 4 -5 moths but the problem is look let me explain my self my person.i go to school from 8 threw 3 something depends what time i get here no longer that 3 so yea i love animals i adore them with all my heart especially doggies and birds hamsters cats ferrets rabbits fishes turtles everything but i don't know what to do I'm afraid poor puppy being alone and being sad in my HOUSE but i really though it i promise ill pay attention to it like when i come back and ill take it for long walks in the park and give it as much attention as possible and try to train it while i can sit down up give me ur paw u don't know how much i like animals but that's my case if i would i will leave it in the restroom with a worn shirt of mine reasonable amount of food for one meal depending the size of the pup and aslo water and plenty of toys :( yes i have money to buy the best food ive has used eukanuba food for my cokerspaniel and i planed to use pee-pad in a litter box and when i come back ill give it its meal be in the house when i see bodie signs of him wanting to go to his business and take him immediately to his box of pee-pads and once he does ill give him a small treat and love him more than ever :D please and what type of puppy or young doggy4-5 moths do u recommend please not a so excessively expensive breed but i live in the south of texas and i live in a apt. two room live with my mom and dad well her bf but i consider him my dad so what breed ? and what do u think im 13




  1. Get a stuffed dog.  Or a gold fish.

  2. well since u love turtles then get a box turtle or two.

  3. try getting a leopard gecko they are very low maintenence and you can leave them long enough to go to school but make sure that they have water in the morning they tend to drink more at night. It might be a little more suttable with your time frame.

  4. You seem very busy with school.  I'd suggesst you spend more time with your cocker spaniel.  It's really not fair to keep a dog cooped up in a bathroom all day.

  5. Since you're getting a puppy, is anyone going to be home with him while you're at school? To take care of, play with, feed, and watch? If not, you may not want to get a puppy, unless you get a crate. They sleep most of the day anyway.

    Getting a puppy is a lot of hard work, but it can be the most rewarding thing ever.

    That being said, I suggest a chihuahua. They play, but aren't too active. They also don't require too much exercise. But since you're at school most of the day, maybe a pomeranian as they are pretty independent (I own one, and he's completely fine playing with his own toys when i'm busy or out).

    Good luck!

    P.s. Research the breed you're going to get first!!

  6. Well, as long as you spend all of your spare time playing with it and training it, you should be okay. eukabana is very cruel to animals, especially when they test their foods. the healthiest dog food is probably Science Diet, they arent cruel to animals, and their food is healthy! Be sure to get a really small dog , one that doesnt need much exersise, possibly a Japenese Chin or a Miniature Daschund. Make sure that you can afford to get all of its shots done, and vet bills. Make sure you have absolutly everything BEFORE you buy the actual dog.

    Dont buy from petshops, they support puppy mills, dont get from breeders (they often scam you) , but try searching in your local shelter.

    Call the shelter and ask if they have any dogs that would suit.

  7. well i think that is great you want a puppy but i adopt a lot of animals and i think it is a good idea if you got an older dog from the shelter   are great but shelters all across america kill three older dogs and cats a day because after thirty-one days if an animal is not adopted it is put down (killed) puppy's are great but get like a three year old dog they are still very hyper and playful and you don't have to potty train them or go threw the chewing stages with dogs that are three and up

  8. So we're back to this again?

    You can't keep a puppy locked in a bathroom all day.  It doesn't matter what breed it is.

    You're STILL not ready for a dog... do some more reading and wait until you're out of the house.

  9. well first you need to evaluate if there's room on your pet for a full time job of caring for another life. an you may want to consider a little order dog if your not going to be home for a large portion of the day like 9 mo- a year and a half or so there still total adorable at that age too. i recomend a collie or cocherspaniel

  10. Dogs/puppies require too much time and care. If your that busy, then pass on the idea of a dog, and get a smaller pet like a turtle, or a lizard, maybe a mini pig!

  11. i think you should get a dog thats not too high mainetence with hair or  lots of exercise, my suggestion to you would be a standard chihuahua they get up to 6 lbs and they are perfect apartment dogs. very loving and they do need alot of affection. check out some different breed websites too.

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