
I want a salt water aquarium of about 5 gallons, how much will it cost to maintain for a month?

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And what are the cheapest type of fish for salt water?




  1. Salt water tanks of minimum size are about 30 gallons.  I WOULD NOT suggest getting a salt water tank if you were a beginner with fish keeping. Salt water tanks are very hard to maintain and they are very expensive.  I would suggest getting a five gallon freshwater tank for goldfish, guppies, or tetras.  Make sure to always research your animal you are going to get before getting it.  Do not get fish at the spur of the moment.  

  2. lmfao you cant have 5 gallon salt water tank, the minimum amount is like 20. The cheapest fish might be a black gurrera, its about 23 $$. It depands on how much gallons you have.  

  3. 5 gallons is too small for saltwater fish. Maybe a hermit crab or mantis shrimp but not much else.

    For a saltwater tank with fish you're looking at 30 gallons minimum ideally.

    For a pico saltwater tank like that it may end up costing you more than a larger saltwater tank. Unless you're experienced in marine and keeping the water parameters steady, I suggest looking into getting a much larger set up.

  4. all you could possiably do with a 5 gallion tank would be a reef system which means no fish and even a reef system would not last in a 5 gallion tank reef system tanks are also the most exspensive and hardest type of salt water tank to set up and maintain

    the minimum size for a biggnner to saltwater tanks is 100+ gallons

    check out the articals at

    on setting up a salt water tank and maintaining it

    the site will also help you sort out an estimate of startup costs

  5. 5 gallons is too small for a saltwater tank.


  6. A 5 gallon saltwater question is VERY hard to keep. You could only have a few pieces of live rock in there, and a couple hermit crabs and/or snails. A 5 gallon is too small for any type of saltwater fish. With saltwater, you should go for the biggest tank you can afford.

    You have to have ALL of these materials and then set up the tank, then cycle it:

    Well if you buy all the materials, like the tank, filter, heater, lighting, salt, live sand, live rock, gravel siphon, hydrometer, etc., it'll cost ALOT. Why not stay with a freshwater tank?

    E-mail me for any questions!

  7. 5 Gallons is too small to start a saltwater aquarium.

    You need to begin with a big one...i believe more then 10 gallons and I've heard from a saltwater fish shop that it costs 2-300 dollars to set up .

  8. dont just discard that 5 gallon tank tho, since you have it, i reccomend you setting that bad boy up as a quarentine tank for those "Just in case" situations later.

    For future preference you want to have like 10 gallons per fish. so like a 30 gallon tank would be able to hold 3 fish ( size of the fish and if your tank is a reef tank or a fish only tank matter too). the reason being you cant have a tank too small for them is that when fish are in small perimaters then they easily become stressed and are more seceptable to deseases.  

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