
I want a spanish guitar from michoacan, mexico!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i want to know if theres a number of some person that makes the guitar, or a company that they have, that i can call and have ordered...if theres any possibility of that!





  1. go there youself

  2. You can search in and maybe you will find what you´re looking for...

    here are some links you can try...

    The guy sells this for around $100.00 dollars

    (made in paracho)

    and this are brand new but for begginers

    it cost around $55.00 dollars. (made in paracho too)

    i wish you luck!

  3. Yep,you can call and order a guitar today but if you have the  cash and are serious about paying $250 for a classical guitar then why not go down to your local Wal-Mart and just pick one up.

    A true Paracho guitar,depending on the builder,model,type of wood used,etc usually *starts* at ten times ($2500USD) that much....And that is *in* Mexico.Outside of Mexico, Paracho guitars will run from four to ten thousand dollars.There are some semi mass produced  guitars that are made in Paracho that can purchased for  1250 to 1500 USD.

    The guitars in the link above from mercadolibre are even worse than a wal-mart guitar.They are not *made* in Paracho.They are *stamped* made in Paracho.

  4. Ok, maybe I shouldn't do this, as it isn't an answer to your question, but...HUH?  Why would you go to MI, Mex, for a Spanish guitar?  Why would you want to buy it there?  Is there something about the Michoacán economy that is different from the rest of Mexico? and Why would you go to Mexico to buy a Spanish guitar?  Isn´t it going to be easier to do so here in the US?  If you´re bent on getting it from someplace else, wouldn´t you go straight to Spain, and at that, Granada, where I understand the best guitars are made?

    Did I miss something in the translation_

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