
I want a surfer's body. what workouts should i do that surfers also do?

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i want a surfers to answer only




  1. Try surfing, swimming, and do a lot of ab exercises.

  2. I'm not sure what magazines or movies you've been watching. Most surfers in print and film roles are *models* and are not actual surfers. (Yes, Sanoe models, but most don't.)

    True surfers, while we aren't all built the same, will have the standard V shape like a gymnast or swimmer. We get bulky upper arms from carrying boards and paddling. Water is 4x more dense than air so you get more of a workout and burn more fat in water.

    I don't know anyone who has a washboard stomach, but if you want one all you have to do is a ton of ab and oblique excercises. You want the total package that you percieve as being perfect and that takes a gym workout.

  3. pullups, pushups, ab crunches, squats, running. (hint: try to incorporate balance whenever you can, ab crunches with a balance ball)

    I don't do workouts anymore but I train before surftrips to get the most out of my time in the water for exotic places.

  4. i surf everyday and am pretty good and i dont have a great body, just balance

  5. SURF. I am a surfer and I just went out and surfed and I obtained a surfer's body within a month.

  6. I am a surfer. I don't always see people with great bodies surfing. Try Surfing, You will see results. Have fun!

  7. build muscle

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