
I want a tattoo, but....?

by  |  earlier

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...I come from a strict Catholic family and this is not permitted. I think everyone else would accept it, besides my father. And, I owe a lot to him, so I don't want to be disrespectful. But, I really would like a tattoo and it would be of St. Michael. Plus, I'm 25 yrs old .. so? What do you think?




  1. get it. he should love you no matter what, and you're out of the house anyhow.

  2. if you really think it would damage your relationship with your father then i wouldnt. otherwise get it somewhere were he wont see it. i wouldn't get a saint tattoo though.

  3. get it in a place where they are not likely to see it, your bum or thigh

    if yuo think it will deeply offend your father then dont get it, ask them...

  4. don't get it

  5. Honestly, I think it's your body and you should do as you wish with it.

    Maybe you should sit your dad down before you get it done and explain to him why you want it, and what it means to you. He may not like the idea, but I'm sure he will respect you talking to him about it

  6. I would try to convince him plus I would say I was an adult,but I'm not....Answer my question if you know the answer

  7. There's actually some christians in the bible that had tattoos...  I'm christian and I have tattoos. :)

  8. dont get 1

  9. don't do it, especially if you are still living at home, and especially if u owe him a lot.

  10. its your body. but a tattoo is making a statement to him that could be defiance....don't get it especially "if you owe him alot" don't listen to the hippies about how its your body and how they should love you blah blah blah. its about respect. if you don't respect him go for it because then he'd know its permanent  

  11. Go for it you're a big boy

    My parents always told me they'd kick me out of the house if I ever got one, but when I actually got it done (got 3 of em) and came home, they called me a moron for the first 4 weeks but finally gave up afterwards

  12. you know what?! having a tattoo is conditional....

    try to think of these:

    (positive and negative side)

    having it is fashion, u will become popular and people will be amazed (in some reasons) if they see you. but, the reality is, DIRTY!

    having it is a style, have it and have your own style, show them what you can have that other can't. but, think first, is it really needed? NO!

    many more to mention..

    sir, if you think it would help you to build your confidence, then have it but for me, having it will affect the ff.;


    tips: just live simple and be contented for what god have given us.

           life is not recyclable and we should remember that We Owe God for this life so do not waste it !!!!

  13. Here you will find tattoo designs that will be happy with for the rest of your life:

  14. Dont let your father affect your decision..its yours. But make sure You really want it and will like to live with it for the rest of your life. And it shouldnt be big.  

  15. what about getting it where you dad would never see it ? At 25 it's entirely your decision and you shouldn't let your dad bully you out of doing something you really want !  Something like St Michael aswell surely should be something your dad should respect - not like having **** tattooed across yer forehead is it ? I say go for it.


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