
I want a way to get my voice deep?

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I was going to get a whole costume to make me look like a guy but since im a girl i need a way to change my voice deeper not perdumently (sp?) but u no. i no balloons with the helium make ur voice go up. so thats the kind of thing im looking for. i heard if u suck the air out of a can of ready wip it works. so if anyone can give me advice on this it would help alot thanks.




  1. Those artificial things you can use can be really dangerous.  If you really want to sound like a guy, don't talk at all: just grunt.


  2. Smoke a pack a day, that should do it, thats why Btittany smokes! No really just kidding smoking sucks.

  3. take steroids lmao

  4. If you inhale sulpher hexafluoride your voice will become deeper, and have a harder time breathing it out, as the air is heavier than normal oxygen.

    If you want to buy some, the following link will bring you to a listing of suppliers.

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