
I want adopt a child, but....Can I?

by  |  earlier

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I am 34, live in USA, divorced, and I have always been in my mind and heart to adopt kids. My concern is...the money. I can support myself, but I am not sure if I can cover all the expenses of a child by myself?




  1. Foster children. But do it out of love and not income we already have enought of those kind of foster parents.

  2. Find a good man, get married, and then adopt a child.

  3. have you considered foster care.  you can foster to adopt and they will cover the adoption expenses and some of child you such as a medical card and in some cases a monthly board payment.  You will need to show proof that you can support yourself so they know you aren't doing it to make money

  4. So its not the cost of adoption but the cost of supporting another child that is what worries you?

    I think then that you should wait until you are in a better financial place. Adoption already comes with so many complicated emotions, you don't want the situation ripe for resentment over change of lifestyle from the get-go.

    Having said that many bio kids arrive unexpectedly into the world and parents make it work.

    Think long and hard about it. Good luck with the decision.

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