
I want an easy fish or something. What should I buy?

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So, I just want to buy a glass bowl type thing and I want either one or two fish. What type of fish should I buy from a pet store that can live in a bowl (without heat and filter) by itself or with only one other fish and be interesting to look at?




  1. Fighting fish are good...they live in a tank or a fishbowl. They don't need much space cuz they have nothing to do in a big tank that have no fish that they could see so I will buy a fighting fish. Or a platy but I dunno if that is a good idea...

  2. beta.   they are easy to take care of, don't take much maintenance and doesnt need a filter or a heater.

    good luck.

  3. .....smaller fish like rasboras grow to 1.5 inches, and can live in smaller spaces

    .....assuming you can make regular water changes, like 30% every week....and you can include some type of live plants then your fish will be basically healthy

    ....the live plants absorb ammonia as food

    ....water changes remove most toxic levels of nitrite and ammonia

    ....nitrates that form are also eaten by the plants as food look for corkscrew vallisneria (grows up to 12" to 14") and buy two

    .....also plant some short short plants in bottom , like dwarf mondo grass (grows to 4")

    ...both can be planted directly into gravel

    ....set the bowl near indirect sunlight (strong source of indirect) during the day, the plants like to uv light from sun

    .....every week 5 to 7 days dip out 1/3 of the water, and add dechlorinated tap water back to the bowl

    ....may i also suggest to use the dechlorinator product known as 'Prime', which also neutralizes ammonia

    ....together with water changes, live plants and 'Prime' the raspboras will be just fine

    ....many hardy types of small fish exist w/o a heater



    ...white cloud minnows

    ...moons, platies

    ...tiger barbs preference would be these types that only grow up to 1.5 or 2" maximum

    ....the ones above are all very less expensive

    ....and of the plants mentioned, the dwarf mondo grass is the most easy to get cheap, cheap

    (dwarf mondo grass is real common in flower beds every where) Wal-Mart Garden Center a 4" pot cost ~ $1.49 and you just wash all of the dirt off of the roots, and then plant the bare roots into the gravel in the bowl

    ....if you can find some creek gravel, rinse it good, then boil it, and use that in the easy and less expensive

    .....if you are really lucky and have an air pump too, then get an air stone (99 cents) from Wal-Mart or Petsmart, and pump in some air each day for several hours too

    ....Good Luck (as we learn about fish and their tanks, we learn all sorts of things new to try....the website I included is how to make a home made water filter that works really really well....i am using two of these in my tank so i know these work well.....and 1 of these would be excellent in a small tank like a 2.5 gallon or even a 10 gallon, you may try later)

    ...most of all change the water every week and enjoy the fish

  4. Zoo is the only one that has given a decent answer.... no fish should be forced to live in a small glass bowl! Get at least a 2.5 gal tank with a filter and give the fish a bit of a chance...You can put a betta, or platy, or guppy in a 2.5. If you want more than one fish I would get something larger. Be fair to the fish and give them something worth living in.

  5. all fish should be entitled to a filtered tank

    a bowl can hold a couple of guppies or a betta nothing much else

    both these fish need heaters though

    goldfish need 20 gallons and are not good first fish

    bettas are not cold water and need a heater

    also these fish will survive in a bowl but they will not be happy or live long

    edit: most fish can survive without a filter just not as healthy as in filtered tanks

  6. hi there! just new to the community.

    i can suggest that you buy a GOLD FISH!

    it is a low maintenance fish, need no oxygen to breath, heater is optional depends where you live, needs to be fed only once or twice a day and still healthy.

    only one thing to bear in your mind........ don't over feed the fish!

    it die  or pollutes your tank or bowl!

  7. gold fish. but any fish should have one of those bubbler things, and possably a small filter that is, if you dont want to change the water too often. any fish wont last that long if its swimming in its own waste without any oxygen. get one of the small plastic kits at walmart...comes with all that stuff for like 20 bucks. even the rocks I think.

    also guppies...but they need the filter and bubbler too...but they are prettier. actually, most fresh water fish are pretty easy to take care of. I have a 30 gallon tank with a mix of different fishies. so far so good...all I had to do was the bubbler/filter/stuff that takes chloriene out of the water.

  8. Mabe some goldfish.

    A male or female beta. [male has longer fins]

    something like that. check out the pet store and see if theres anything that you like. =]

    have fun and good luck!

  9. you actually NEED a filter for fish this way they breath better because of the moving can actually die in stable water because they eventually run out of air!!!

  10. NO living fish can live in a bowl. Bowls don't provide enough room for a filter or heater (which all fish NEED, except for a filter). They also don't provide enough surface area for anything.

    Some people may suggest a Goldfish. Well, that's not a very good choice either. Fancy Goldfish grow up to a foot long, and require a 20 gallon tank with a filter. Common Goldfish grow to a foot and half long, and require a 55 gallon tank with an excellent canister filter. Check out these pictures:

    And read this link about Goldfish in bowls:

    Other people may suggest a Betta. They deserve a minimum of 2.5 gallons with a filter and heater (5 gallons is ideal). This is where they live in the wild:

    Do you think the want to live in a bowl with no filter or heater their entire lives? Also, they need a filter and heater. They need a filter since they are living creatures and produce waste; the filter will pick up the waste. They need a heater since in the wild, the temperature is hot year-round, so it's best to keep the tank temperature at 75-80* F.

    E-mail me for any questions!

    EDIT: The reason why they're in the small containers in the pet stores is because they can't be kept in the tanks, or they'll fight with each other. The better quality pet stores change some of the cup's water every couple of days to prevent the build-up of ammonia and nitrite.

  11. ZOOTYCOO pretty much sumed it up for everybody.  go to it is the first site that i have encountered that i have found very accurate and knowledgable about bettas. it will tell u all the do's or dont's

    but PLEASE DO NOT put a goldfish in a bowl.

  12. get a male betta they are small fish and can live in a small fish bowl with out anything else.  all they need is a pinch of food every day or everyother day.  I have one he is bright blue with red tips on his long fins.  I have had him for almost a year and he is the easiest pet that i own. I keep mine in a 3 gallon tank but you can go smaller.  You do have to only get one tho.  Bettas are fighting fish and will fight to the death with anouther betta.  If you want some entertainment and give your fish some exersize take a mirror and let your betta see itself.  They fan out and do dances.  It is quite fun to watch.  good luck, a betta sounds perfect for you.

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