
I want another baby but my b/f doesn't. What should I do?

by Guest63125  |  earlier

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Me and my b/f have been together for 3 years and we have a 14 month old son. We are planning on getting married in December of this year. Well lately I've gotten a bad case of "the baby itch". I think now would be a good time for another (our last b/c we only want 2), but my b/f wants to wait a couple more years. I want my kids to be some what close in age. I work nights right now so that I can stay home with my son during the day but once he goes to school I plan on going back to school myself and really get my career started. If I wait 2 or so more years for another child that will start the clock all over for when I can go back to school. We are not rich but we can afford another child. We have insurance and we are getting married. I think he wants to wait for us to have more money coming in but we do fine right now. And I want to have my kids and raise them through their young years because once I have done that, I plan to start my career. What should I do? Any suggestions? I don't want to trick him and do it without him knowing b/c he will be very upset that i betrayed him. He will know it was on purpose b/c he knows I want another baby. Please help!




  1. Since you have already spoken about this with your b/f adn he wants to wait a few years, I say you revisit the conversation with him and come to a common ground.  If he says "let's wait 5 years" then why not compromise and agree at 2 -3 years.  If you trick him, not only is that a betrayal... it goes to show him that his needs and desires don't matter to you.  Compromise is the best solution.  Let yourself be excited about the wedding... go on trips... enjoy your firstborn.  baby itch passes... but a good relationship can be ruined cause you want instant gratification.

  2. well just wait for another years

  3. If he really doesn't want another baby now you have to respect his decision.  It seems he has valid reasons....

    A couple more years aren't going to hurt.  Its not like he's saying he doesn't want another baby ever.

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