
I want another child in the Future, Am I selfish?

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Me and My Husband Have a 19 mo. old together and he has 3 wonderful children from a previous marriage that we get on the weekends. His parents think that we have enough children but I feel like my daughter is an only child when the other kids are not here. Do you think that i am selfish for wanting another one and his parents are right, or do you think we should have another one and try for a boy in a couple of years??? I dont want to p**s my in-laws off....




  1. Who cares what his folks think. The amount of children that you and your husband decide to have is entirely up to the BOTH of you.

  2. It's not about your in-laws, it's about you and your family.  If your husband wants another child, then go for it!  As long as all the children are cared for, what difference does one more make.  It's your choice, and your heart will tell you what's right.  You are not being selfish at all.

  3. sorry

  4. its up to you and your spouse hun. plain and simple. they will love another child anyway. but talk to him and tell him how you feel that they feel about it. maybe he can talk to them and get them to back off.

    look at mine and tell me what you think plz!;...

  5. Its none of his parents business how many kids you have or want.

    And no your not being selfish and who cares if it pisses your in-laws off.

    If you want to have another child then go for it and dont worry about  what other people have to say about cause its none of their business how many kids to have or want.

    Nobody has a right to tell you and your husband how to run your life.

  6. If you feel you are ready and wanting to have another child of your own than do it. There is no promises it will be boy as you want but to have another child in the family.

    This is your life and your husband life together. His parents have no saying in this business.

  7. you should do whatever you and your husband want to do. If you can handle another child financially and otherwise, then do what you want. His parents did what they wanted when they were having little ones, I suppose and You should as well.

  8. this is between you and your husband... not your in-laws..

    i can understand you wanting to have another child with your husband so your daughter has a sibling... just don't have your heart set on a boy..... boy or girl, i'm sure your daughter would have a wonderful playmate... the main issue is that you and your husband decide this is what you both want and the baby is healthy.............

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Your in-law had their chance to make their family size decisions and that time is now past. You and your husband are the only ones who have input on this decision. If you want another child, have one. The in-laws have no right to get pissed off about something so personal.

  10. do what you two want to do it is your life.

  11. Forget your inlaws,  does your husband want more children?  Can you afford another child along with the ones you already have?( His 3 do count as he is as responsible for them as he is for any children you two have together)  It is only going to become more and more expensive to have children not less and you really should not bring children into the world unless you can provide for them decently.

    As for trying for a boy... my parents tried for another girl and wound up with 7 kids and there was never enough anything.  I only had the one child and we were able to give her a very good life, not like the one of pure poverty that I grew up with.

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