
I want bigger muscles and need some advice on how many reps?

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Im a 15 year guy who is 5ft 11in tall and weigh 130lbs. I wants to get bigger arms and six pack abs. i need to know what workouts i should do for the Biceps, the Triceps and All the parts of the chest and how many reps i should do per part. Also what should i eat before and after i workout and what i should eat when im not working out. and do i need to gain weight?




  1. lots of wieght low reps

  2. Add bulk--more weight less reps

    add definition-- less weight more reps

    To gain wait eat a lot of carbs and protien.

    Running gets you in shape and burns off excess fat.  get in shape before you hit the weights really hard.

  3. go to normandy gym (its in miami beach) greaT WORKOUT MY DAD LOST 120 LB AND HES BUFF NOW  

  4. I would suggest you join a gym which ever you want.

    If you want to get bigger muscles you are gonna gain weight because of the muscle.But don't worry about that it's not fat.

    They have all the types of exercises.Each part you should do 3 sets.

    Each set you should do 10 or 12 times.

    Don't eat a o lot of food before you fo to the gym, drink water.

    You can eat after you come from the gym.

    You can just relax and let your muscles chill out.Do the weight lifting 4 times a week with breaks in between the week.

    You don't need to loose weight.It's gonna take some time but with you eating right and working out hard you're gonna have a visible six pack.

    And when you get the six pack try running a mile a day .


  5. get a trainer

  6. go to the gym, they hav everything for bi's tri's chest, and abs, eat a lot of carbs do at lest 3 sets or reps for each workout, run a lot, and no, you dont hv t gain eight

  7. bowlflex

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