
I want desperately want braces?

by  |  earlier

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But I'm not a fan of pain :) Like most people.

Do they really hurt THAT much?

Is it just like toothache or is it pains, or aches?

I want to know more about the pro's and cons of braces and what they do before I get them, from people who already have them.




  1. pros:

    -they straighten your teeth (i <33 this part)

    -they fix your bite

    -you get to pick cool colors


    -you might need whitening after them

    -the first few days your mouth is sore

    -every appointment you get a new wire (which will cause slight aches)

    -if you get elastics... they hurt like h*** in the beginning

    -they are kinda expensive (couple $1,000's depending on your case)


  2. I just got my braces taken off and seriously the good outweighs the bad! I had them on for two years. Every 6 weeks I got the wires changed which made my teeth ache for about 2 or 3 days. I had two teeth removed so my other teeth could move back and straighten. I think the worst part was actually getting them taken off! Now that they are off I would definitely do it again in a flash if it was necessary. And all the brushing after meals has just given me a killer smile :)

    So my answer is go for it!

  3. If you are going to get braces, get the ones you can't see called Invisaline.

  4. Those who said it doesn't hurt please go to sleep cuz it does.  

  5. Advantage: You'll never regret putting braces because im dying to get one and i believe i won't.

    Disadvantage: Plaque and bacteria are easily accumulated with braces, also teeth may get loose (or even lost) after wearing braces for long or an side-effect after wearing as sometimes your teeth cannot withstand the force.

  6. they dont hurt really.... Teeth just get pretty sore for only a few days. Then you can eat pretty much anything again, but you have to brush harder, because food easily gets stuck.

    Everytime you get them "tightened", they become sore for a day or two, but then you're again, able to eat.

  7. i have braces and they aren't that bad once have them for a couple weeks/months. when you first put them on, they don't hurt or anything. they just become very sensitive and anything that comes in contact with them starts to hurt. monthly check ups aren't so bad either. they just take the wire out and put a new one. i think this is supposed to tighten them and your teeth start to feel somewhat tender again.

    if you happen to get braces, im sure you won't regret it because the end result will last you a lifetime.


    straight teeth

    boost of confidence?


    can be quite expensive.

    if not taken care of properly, it may stain your teeth.

    ~hope this helps~

  8. It doesn't hurt that much, and seriously seriously seriously its TOTALLY worth it!

    I waited ages for mine, but now i've got them, they look really nice and before i never used to smile, now i grin all the time!

    Its not really bad pain, its just a kinda throbbing achey feeling for a few days after you get them fitted/tightened but if you use painkillers it doesn't hurt at all!

    and i know people who have had braces and their teeth look AMAZING afterwards

    andyou might have already heard this, but they're not even hard to brush at all and you can chew gum, and eat anything with them in

    and if you're worried about kissing like i was, don't be

    I had an awesome snog with this guy the other week and it diddn't affect it at all!

    before you get them, they might have to pull a few teeth out, like i said, they only do that with some people, i had to have four out, but thats only cuz i had overcrowded teeth, and they numb your mouth before that anyway :]]

    i had to have blocks before aswell, (they're like removable) but i only had them because i had an accident when i was little and my jaw needed realligning. they use a mould (like playdoh) before they give you the braces, and when they're putting them on, it only hurts slightly, but just like pinpricks.

    good luck

    hope i helped :}!

  9. I had braces for a couple years, its really not bad at all.  A little soreness sometimes when you get them tightened, but all in all its relatively painless, I promise.

    On that note, I've always desperately wanted a woman with braces, so perhaps we can work something out. Ive always been a sucker for a woman with braces.

    But depending on what the cause is for needing braces the process can be different. You might have to wear a separator for a little while before you actually get the braces. its all relative, really.

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