
I want do farming of wheat in kerala. for this can i approach any agencies to guide me?

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I want do farming of wheat in kerala. for this can i approach any agencies to guide me?




  1. Just looking quickly at some articles about wheat in your area, you have have some problems with respect to having competition as there seems to be a surplus in wheat frequently and that means you have a lower price in the market. It seems also that most of the wheat is north of you and it just may be too warm where you are. It is good to take advantage of wheat when the rice farmers are making water harder to come by. Obviously it uses less water. So if you have a market you may be alright. Surely information is available especially for crop rotation and sustainable systems for growing wheat. You will have to do a good presentation if you are looking for funds but those that persevere will ultimately be rewarded.

  2. Try the Centre for Indian Knowledge Systems.

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