
I want do to something to help......?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike names lucy, im 14 years old and iv made loads of mistakes in my life. iv done drugs. lost my virginity at 13, and i drink. iv started gettin my life back on track, im on anti-depressants, iv given up all of the drugs i was on and im gunna stop havin s*x and drinking for a while. with all these mistakes iv made in my life i want to give something back to the community. What things could i do? not like litter picking i mean like i want to help people. ill people. anything. what could i do?




  1. become rich and donate.

    hundreds of non-profit selfless people who work everyday for the ill look down on rich millionaires who seem to be selfish.

    but a million dollar donation from a rich millionaire helps more ill people than 100 non-profit selfless people combined.  

  2. help out the elderly or young children or maby tell other teens of your experience  


    i'd definitely say try to educate other troubled teens about the dangers of s*x, drugs and alcohol. The best teacher for this kinda stuff is someone who's "been there, done that". try going down to your local youth club, or maybe if your place has a place where troubled teens go for help, that would be awesome.

    its good to see that you've cleaned up, keep it up.


  4. The #1 best bester bestest thing you can do is continue to educate yourself. Not just in the stay in school sense, although that is certainly priority 1, but in gaining life experiences.  Check out your community's website - they probably have a community events and volunteer page. and have volunteer opportunities for young people.  You may have to do some things today that may seem a little humbling or like they don't really make a difference, but trust me they do. And while you're doing it you're learning how to make bigger differences later.

    And PS - Just wanna say you're awesome! Young people taking charge of their lives rock!  

  5. Good for you!

    First you could educate other youngsters about what the things you've done and how bad you think it is.

    Just do enough research on the subjects you want to educate other people on and be sure to know that it is not a easy task.

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