
I want establish a FM station......... Help me?

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I want establish a FM station

But how Please help me

I am from Andhra Pradesh State




  1. Look up LP-FM radio on the internet

  2. The only advice I could possibly give you is to contact a community radio station near your area and volunteer.  However, if you really wish to set up a "Real" commercial station.  Than that could proove difficult.  First of all you need the money to buy a frequency, then a transmitter and building and equipment and so on.  If you want this to be a reality then you had better hope you have a good credit rating!!!

    Hope that helps, see you round on Yahoo7 Answers.

  3. Buy 542 rolls of tinfoil.  Roll it all into a large antenna.  Hook up a couple of car batteries to that mother and voila!  

    Just make sure you yell into the tinfoil when it's not raining.

  4. I would first find out who to contact in your country.  In the US, it's the FCC or Federal Communication Commission.  They regulate all communication media.  Not as in content but as far as assigning frequencies, licenses, etc.  In the US you have to have a frequency study conduction to see if any are available.  That costs.  Then you must apply for the frequency.  More costs.  Then you have equipment, including broadcast tower, transmitter, and enough electronics for at least 1 or 2 studios.  Add to that real estate to host such equipment, a building to broadcast from, and at least decent pay for 1-3 other staff members so you can get some sleep.  Hopefully someone from YOUR state/country can help you information a little closer to home.  Good luck.

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