"Help! Help me... please," I moan. This pain its unbearable. Where is it coming from... that noise. Indescribable, it haunts me. The tantalizing wait to find either refuge or an even worse fate sits in front of me. All I see is white. The blinding scenery covers my body making it numb. I stand, a statue hesitating to move and announce its presence. Days go by it seems. Two choices, wait till the deadly cold climbs up my body to my throat and steals my last breath, or reach out in front of me to grasp the doorknob that could reveal my worst nightmare. The latter pushes to deceive me into believing it's the better of the two but I know. Both are equivalent if what lies behind the door is what I imagine it to be. I dare not look back, though I can tell that what follows me is dreadful as I am. Fear surrounds me and though I don't move, everything around seems to be watching the sole image of me and the door. I feel the foreshadowed cold begin to grip at my
feet. I must act quickly if I wish to survive. Warmth... a hand on my back... I turn around against my judgment... and look upon death.