
I want join OCSD but.....I'm 4'11 and 20 yrs old.?

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All my life this has been my dream, but whenever I tell my friends or someone they laugh at me and say your only 4'11. Im 20 and weight 110 lbs. However I think if I practice practice , I can pass the physical agility test and even go over the 6ft wall. This is what has stopped me from pursuing my dream (self esteem). I was going for another Major, but recently I decided to quit that and get my certificate for sherriff Deputy....and apply! If I pass all that and my certificate, I'm also bilibgual I think I have a chance...What do you guys think?? Honest answers please!! (I'm also a female)




  1. Your weight is OK for your height. There are no longer requirements for height. I do not know what sheriff’s department OC is but it does not matter, legally they cannot discriminate by size, as long as you can reach the pedals of the stock police car.

    I have worked with females your size in big city gang ridden projects and they could handle it and I felt Ok with them. I have worked with guys bigger than me, 6', 230 lbs, and they could not handle it, and I refused to work with them again. It depends on the person.

    It sounds like you have checked out the PT requirements for the department. Work on getting ready long before the academy, it will ease your time in the academy.

    Bottom line, you want to be a cop, go for it. Your size does not matter directly. You can learn to use your lack of size to your advantage.

  2. Go for it girl!!! If you can pass all the physical requirements and other entry requirements, your height shouldn't even be a problem! Don't let yourself esteem stop you from going after what you have wanted all your life. Also, being bilingual is an added bonus and gives you even more chance of getting in. So don't give up, put that application in and believe in yourself! Goodluck and I know you will make it.

  3. I think you should go for it. Ive been arrested by some short females before... they were tough.

    Dynamite comes in small packages.

  4. I know a fellow officer, who also happens to be a good friend, that is 5'1".  This does not stop her from taking care of business when she has to.  She is incredibly easy going.  Yet, I have witnessed her take down male suspects who are over 6 feet tall.  Leslie is correct.  You can and will learn to use your size to your advantage.  Work on your jump as that will probably be your biggest obstacle.  The fact that you are bilingual makes you extremely marketable.  I say GO FOR IT!  Most departments require you to be 21 years old, but you don't have long to go.  If you would like to email me, I can give you additional info that I do not want to post, due to all of the trolls that are roaming about.  Best of luck!

  5. Go for it, the worst thing you can do, is not try.  

  6. I don't think you'll have any trouble at all.  I know the Orange County Sheriff Department can use all the secretaries they can get to process all that paperwork.  You go girl!!!

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