
I want my child to be smart and intellectual, what are some good books to read?

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My husband is basically a genius he was born smart, his parents when he was a child took him to museums and art galleries. Well, I want our son to be smart as well and intellectual true he's only 22 months old I want him to have a jump start when it comes to education and intelligence. I have stopped letting him watch television except for the occasional sesame street, I read to him every night and sometimes during the day, have begun to interact with him more with arts and crafts, and have talked to him since he was one day old explaining how things work. What are some good books that I can read to prepare my child intellectually? What are some good activities I can do with him? I want him to be able to compete and get ahead in this world, what are some good steps? What about parenting classes that teach intelligence do they exist? When do I need to worry about overwhelming him? I'm just hoping that his fathers genetics and my parenting will help him to get a jump on life.




  1. A child of that age needs not a push but exposure to the world around him.  You can read him almost anything he likes, even if it seems repetitious or dull to you, as long as he develops a love of language and reading.  Expose him to as much as you can--zoos, children's museums, parks, nature, everything.  Your public library can show you books on parenting and nurturing, but no one theory of education or stimulation has ever proved to be superior to all others (or obviously everyone would adopt that one).  Let him develop his fine and gross motor skills by running around, coloring, playing with clays and doughs, cutting with children's scissors, interacting with other children and with other adults, and let him blossom into the best person he can be.  Cutting out television is a great step towards getting him more involved in the world around him and learning about it, too.

  2. God, the Creator creat everything for a purpose, if we can treat & train our child according to the way of life laid down by the holy books, both parent & children will enjoy even more than all these, so, try to read and understand the HOLY QURIAN, HADITH & BIBLE  you will achieve your desire

  3. He is a child.. so let him be a child. Read him stories to his age. They all the end have a moral...etc. I would not push the child into becoming a genius.. that alone will develop in life. You can do the regular (number colors objects..also in another language) but please let him enjoy his childhood so he doesnt grow up becoming something you dont want him to be.. I understand that you might want him to be the next "einstein" but remember every1 is different and unique.. maybe he wont even like to study? don't narrow your wants to his needs today. And don't be one of those mothers expecting All of their child. Expect and love him for what he decides to do and be. You can only lead him towards the way.. is his choice to keep it straight or detour.

  4. They can all be found in the kid section of any decent bookstore. Where the Wild Things Are and Green Eggs and Ham are two of many wonderful books! Read them with the little stinker! LIBRARY every week.

      If you want a parenting manual, dare to discipline by James Dobson is great. Ignore the religious c**p.

       Fill his world with the good things, art supplies, craft stuff, an internet computer and Discovery Channel. Put his hands on any cooking or gardening project you can find. Consider homeschooling if the local public schools don't do science, and have nasty cafeterias. (lithmus test for good schools)


       Honesty is still a thousand times more important than brains. Set good examples by being honest and generous yourself.

       Kids spell love t-i-m-e


  5. Madam,

    Although I'm not full qualified 2 answer ur questioin, yet my experience suggests that 1st u should tell him stories from history & mythology to make understand the intricacies of life. Making him believe in a utopian world is not a good option either, so i think start by fables such as Aesop's fables. He should know where did he come from(place of origin), what is his parental lineage & what did his forefathers do 2 com at this stage.

    Make him learn something new i.e if he likes music, teach music;  if aggressive, teach martial arts : this can be helpful later in life.

    Inculcate a rational thinking in him so that he should not take evrything for granted. (if possible) make him appreciate nature becoz nature is the best creator.

    Expose him to the lives of great personalities and their works so that he understand his mission in life early in life and yes make him appreciate petty things in life becoz as they say : The best things in life are free.

  6. read read read to him - anything he enjoys - you will know he's being overwhelmed when he doesn't want to listen - then let him go and play and try again later.  It sounds like you are doing a lot of fun things with him.  Just be careful not to push too hard, you don't want to turn him off of learning and you will stress yourself out trying to have a genius baby!   All children develop differently and at different levels - with his dad's genes and your involvement, it sounds like your child will definitely have a step up in this world.  Keep up the good work.

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