Its also been proven women get it worse that we all have to stay slim or fit or appealing or whatever, I want to be free!! How come on male channels they get ads or pro eat but on female channels we get hit with diet pills, and weight loss books!
On football season its cool for a fat drunk guy who burps and cheers, a female must be cheerleader size and always smiling. They even had on the news last year they were looking for fat males to come and cheer with thin cheerleaders because fat guys mean to them the real gamer.
I want equal freedom as guys!! Yes guys get it too who are fat but not as much as females!!
Also for those of you who are oh but fat is not healthy:
I want to let myself go and yet be loved for it.
I want to eat as I please and have fun with life.
Also as a size 6 I want to be a size 20 or whatever I go to and be free.
But admit it men get it easier then us.
I am so tired of this:
And getting tired of this:
I want to eat as I please like guys.