
I want my friend back?

by  |  earlier

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i had a really great friend (a guy) hunter. we always talked and had a great time at school hanging out with each other but i found out that he liked me and i stared to like him. once i knew he liked me and he knew i liked him we never we great friends again. we never talked to each other anymore. i really miss our friendship. we were iming each other when he asked me out i said yes but then i found out his friend matt was on his aim pretending to be hunter and asked me out for him and now i dont know what to do! i think it is stupid hunter didnt ask me out himself instead of asking his friend to do it. im not sure if i want to go out with him anymore but i really want our friendship back the way it used to be. help!




  1. u know at times there are things which u cant say or express to someone u are close to but a stranger or outsider more comfortably. so donot get things out of proportion just go ahead and then u will be able to comm with each other as never before. all d best

  2. Just tell him u want your friendship back

  3. aw, tell him. tell him you want your friendship back, and exactly what you just told us right now.
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