
I want my hamster to have babies but i have no experience about this?

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do you have to do anything extra for them?

how many do they tend to have?

plz help!




  1. dont let them!!!!! ps. its hamsters not hampsters


    This is a very good website!

  3. I don't know a lot about hampsters but what I do know is that you mus remove the dad when the babiesw are born or he will eat the young. I believe Hampsters have about 6 babies, but I'm no expert so don't quote me. Why do you want hampster babies anyway? Do you plan on keeping them all??

  4. they have from 6 to 15 babies.  when i used to have hamsters she had alot(all the time).  you caint really do much. if you touch them the mom will stop feeding them.  just try to remove anything in the cage where they can get lost under and get stuck.  remove the dad, he will definately eat all of them, and the mom might eat the weak ones.

  5. I have tried this before I know all about it first you have to get the hamster with an different s*x of yours then you put them together for a little bit then you have get the boy into another cage to live in because if you don't the girl will kill the boy to save the babies and the girl might get a little moody so watch out. My hamster had scratches all over his body and was loosing hair. So hopefully you have better luck.

  6. Ok. I know what to do because I read it in a book about hamsters =). First of all the hamsters should be atleast 4-6 months. Any younger could have unhealthy babies. Remember that you must have homes for up to 20 babies. Here are some tips/instructions:

    -Start introducing both parent hamsters by putting their cages side-by-side.

    -After breeding them once, make sure you do it again a few days later to make sure that she has successfully breeded.

    -There is a correct cage to put them in. I'm not 100% sure but I think its the fathers since the mother is always territorial. You might want to look that one up though. This will matter. If you put them together in the wrong cage-females i think-they will fight for the territory. This could cause death.

    Under sources I'll list a few websites that I found helpful.

  7. Breeding is a huge responsibility. It should NOT be undertaken until you have the following in place at MINIMUM.

    enough $ set aside to cover any potential vet costs for mom AND babies homes lined up for potential offspring or willingness and ability and cages to keep ALL the offspring

    a good understanding of the genetics involved INCLUDING which colours/patterns/temperments/health concerns should not be breed to each other ability to recognise at least common health issues in the species you select

    ability to truthfully adhere to a breeders code of ethics

    a good reason for wanting to breed

    Right now, you need to do LOTS more research before you consider breeding hamsters.  If you are undertaking this adventure in a serious and informed manner, then you must correctly educate yourself,

    Breeding hamsters is NOT a bad thing, there is a real need for QUALITY breeders in many areas, but enter into this as informed as possible. Search for hamster breeders and hamster clubs websites and learn from them.

  8. just get a girl and boy hamster.

    i have alot of friends who have hamsters, and trust me, you get babies FAST.

    if you have a girl and a guy and dont have any babies yet, just wait. trust me, it WILL happen

  9. I had hamsters who sucsessfully had 12 babies who all lived!!! (which is rare) and i knew practicly nothing but here is wat i know now.,... a boy and a girl hammy?

    2 put them together for 3-4 days

    3 take male out

    4 leave mommy lots of bedding and then leave her alone

    5after 1-3 weeks... BABIES!!! yay

    6 leave her alone with food and water for 2-3 weeks

    7 after-2-3 weeks you can hold them and play with them for SHORT periods of time

    8 at 4 weeks they can be sold and are fully independant

    most breeds of hammys have between 4-16 pups, it varies

    hope this helps

  10. I think this is animal-cruelty, personally.

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