
I want my house to have tile in all areas but the bedrooms were I want wood floors. does this make sense?

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I can't find the tile that came with the house. The bedrooms have rugs but I'm removing them because I'm allergic to them. I'm thinking on replacing the rugs with wood floors. Does this make any decorating sense?




  1. Lots of condo's have tile throughout, I would consider laminate or hardwood flooring just for resale value insted of tile..just something to consider

  2. Probably not unless you want your house to look like a dungean, cave, jail, or some retro/metro.. Keep it to what the style so your friends don't laugh at you and you don't hate yourself when you wake up and have to look at it in the morning..

  3. wood floors are nice in bedrooms, i'd suggest using the wood laminate flooring because it is much easier and cheaper than a true hardwood floor. and takes less maintainence, i just hope that the tile coordinates somehow or you'll end up reflooring a lot more of your house.

  4. Most homes have carpet in the bedrooms and wood/tiles in the living areas for easier cleaning therefore there is nothing wrong with the reverse.Bedrooms are always decorated in the seperate owners style (kids/teens/adults) and there is a door which seperates from your guests.

    You are doing this for your alergy reasons and timber will always give a warmer feel to the rooms in question, if a colour is needec to compliment ,there are many dust free type rugs to throw over if wanted.

    Timber floors come in many varieties and panelled would be the best option.

  5. Yes. Your bedrooms are seperate decorating areas.

    As long as the tile throughout the rest of the house is the same, it will have a nice uniform look to it.

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