
I want my life to be an amazing acomplish .?

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i dont want to settle for ordainary .

i want to do amazing things .

but anyway one thing i really wanna do is be a singer .

so im starting singing lessons in september . but i feel like i dont want to wait i want to get started on things now , and its driving my mind crazy when i see other 15 year olds already at top of their dreams .

help ?




  1. you can join american idol ?? lol even though you have to be 14 or older you should see if they like you american idol auditioning right now everywhere its goin from place to place right now its at jacksonville florida but answer my questions plzz thnkk if you do =0;...

  2. Join the Peace Corps when you finish college. You will have a much greater likelihood of doing "amazing" things, making a contribution, and not spending the best years of your life looking for approval. The Peace Corps will allow you to sing to anybody who will listen.

  3. You can do amazing things without being famous.  You can do volunteer work for all kinds of people.  Entertaining old people, feeding homeless people, adopting a family at Christmas (when you are older and have a job) know, people that actually apprectiate what you are doing for them, instead of people that are waitign for you to f*ck up so they can post in the lastest Star magazine.

  4. don't take singing lessons if you aren't a good singer

    i believe you have to have actual talent in order to progress it

    being a bad singer and taking lessons usually doesn't solve anything

    oh and you have to be attractive or you won't make it

    and not fat(most of the time)

  5. This is the worst part about life.  Striving to be something that few can attain.  Regret is one of the worst things in life, and what you really need to do is figure out what you would really like to do in life.  Truth be told, many of the 15 year olds that you see singing already have some form of a connection, like a celebrity parent, or they have been starring in various media venues from a young age, like Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake did on the Mickey Mouse show, etc.

    What you really want to do is get some solid footing in a career that is successful and likely.  

    My biggest regret?  That I never traveled more.  I've been to Europe and the likes, but there is still so little that I have seen.  Sure I'm only 23 and I have time in my life to see more, but I wish that during college I would have done some Study Abroad and lived in some different countries.

  6. Instant gratification leads to unhappiness later on.  True satisfaction is reserved for the dedicated and patient.  

  7. i think your in the wrong section honey this is the olympics, olympics are about sports its a world wide thing

  8. Well, most of the 15 year olds have started at an incredibly young age, possibly 3-6 years old.

    You need to be sure singing is really what you want to do with the rest of your life. Then, you have to stick with it even when you feel like quitting. Remember, being a singer isn't difficult but being a SUCCESSFUL singer is one in a million. Sorry, but that's the way it is.

  9. You have to realize that the 15 year olds that you see are ON TELEVISION. Do not assume what you see on television is real life. And, although you see a few 15 years olds making it big (really, if you think about it - the Disney channel only has a handful of big singers), that is not representative of the real world. There are HUNDRED OF THOUSANDS of 15 year olds who are living regular lives, trying to make it big. So, don't beat yourself up. Be patient and remember, you will not have to FORCE a career to happen.

  10. Motivation and dedication!!!!!

    Remember you may see these people now but in 6-7 years time most of them will have disappeared into nothing.

    Make goals and stick to them.

    Practice makes perfect.  

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