
I want my lip pierced, but i have to no what it means first! help me!!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok i realy want my lip done. but my dad said that i haev to find out what it means first.can you please tell me???




  1. it doesn't mean anything.

    getting your lip pierced is just body art.

    it might mean something in certain religions or cultures.

    i guess it's just a trend that's kind of in with teenagers atm. (:

  2. its just body art.

  3. hhmmm, what I think ur dad is trying to say is like what is it your trin to tell ppl when you have your lip peirced??

    like maybe what the message is your trying to send out by getting your lip peirced..

    get it??

    hope i helped :D

    i did it myself lol look:


  4. It doesn't "mean" anything, except that you have a lip piercing.

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