
I want my medium brown hair not to look so boring any ideas?

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i have medium brown hair. i was thinking about doing blonde around the face or just having a couple pink streaks. any ideas?




  1. if you do the whole blonde not do just a big streak of blonde. try like auburn and blonde highlights... its very cute.

  2. What makes hair boring is when it is all one color, so you could consider doing highlights, light brown or medium blonde would look great, just be sure to tell your stylist that you want them to really pop so he or she knows to make them really stand out.

    Also, a really cool look is just to dye the top part of your hair blonde and leave the underneath part brown. Dying your hair completely blonde when you have naturally brown hair is a lot of maintenance. I wouldn't do anything too drastic at first so that you can change it if you don't like it.

  3. I saw this girl who worked in a shop and I loved her hair. You could do a similar sort of thing. She had her hair cut into short layers and then had the front streak highlighted blonde and then put brown dots in it to make it look like a leopard. It looked really good and was unique. Good Luck x

  4. highlights

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