
I want my mom to understand how can i have her understand HELP

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Okay so i met this kid in nov. i was 12 at the time & he was 16 he was a runaway because his dad kept kicking him out & me & my mom tried 2 help him because she knew i really liked him & cared & she liked him but one day she changed her mind about him she now thinks that he is just out there because he just wants freedom & doesnt wasnt want any rules ... so i started going behing her back & just 2 see him & she grounded me & i stopped talking 2 him & i moved on & he did too ... Now im 13 & he is 17 me & him started talking alot again lately my mom knows & she didnt care she just doesnt want me 2 be around him ... but one of these days i told my mom that my moms friend was gonna pick me up & i lied i went walking & she found out .... & she thought i was with him because my grandmother said that he is just using me .... he isnt he changed he is back home & he is trying to start his career i really want this but i cant tell my mom like that i dont have that connection with her.... how can i make her understand i want this & im not gonna do nothing behind her back with him ... he wants 2 talk 2 her & tell her he isnt the same person he was b4 but i jst dnt want his words 2 be nothing 2 her .... I know its longg but just please help .




  1. Would the help of a mother be accepted?

    My heart goes out to you , and people do change. Saying this, let him do the showing, and the talking comes next. he has to visualbly show her he's changed. Then a bit later talk to her.

    Don't get upset with her for her wanting to protect and care for you. There are teens that would die for that, and you said you didn't want to do anything behind her back, so please don't . This is something mothers can sense, please tell her how much you love her and be very kind, that goes a long way and makes points, do little things for her and again points , so that when push comes to shove you will be on top.

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