
I want my old "my yahoo"?

by  |  earlier

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i belong to survivor chat and could not enter tonite any of the chat rooms i want my old way back im old and this changing all the time is very upsetting,please say i can get the old way back





  2. If u have a yahooo email address, at the top I think it says "switch back to old yahoo".(something like that.

  3. Well I am older than dirt and have some reluctance to change like you but if I see that something is better I adapt.

    Of course "better" is subjective but there is only one thing we can count on besides death and that is change. The world thrives on it.

    Please try to see the positive side of what you have now and let go of the comfortable. It makes life so much easier....not only here.....but everywhere else.

  4. Horsesrac: you know about chat rooms they are all the same

    things.Any how I has been in people chat before and belive

    me ! .Its my idea too new

    good luck join the fun at lease becareful okay?

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