
I want my period but I haven't gotten my first one yet!?

by  |  earlier

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help!!! when will it come ... all my friends have it!




  1. First off, having a period isn't exactly the greatest thing in the world, so I wouldn't be to excited to get it. Enjoy your youth, and in time it will come. The first few are usually very sporadic and light, and you might have mild cramps or backaches, so look for these signs. But again, ask your friends and I'm sure some of them will tell you its not very fun. It will come when it comes, and that could be anytime in your pre-teens or teens, so just be patient and let your body run its course :)

  2. Seriously! YOU DON'T WANT IT.

    It's a pain the neck!

    It'll come when you least expect it.

    Just be happy that you don't have it!

  3. TRUST ME you do not want your period!!! i just started this month, im the last of my friends and im 15. Im on my very second period only 22 days later!!! ITS A PAIN!!!! and i have only had it 2 times......... enjoy the freedom OF NOT HAVING IT!! dont worry, because I worried like you, and got it and hate it. The cramps, headches, its CRAZY! Be grateful you dont have to worry about it!

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