
I want my rabbit to be happy so i have some spare empty cd's and i dont' need it. is it okay???

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I want my lil rabbit to be happy with lots of toys lol. is plain empty cd's okay? like theres nothing inside and since their new and everything im going to give them to my rabbit. is it an okay toy? i read that they like to flip things and cd's are colorful and fipable. but is there something inside cd's or something that rabbits can eat or anything? plz, is it dangerous for my rabbit?

need help! plz [;




  1. nah :/

    i mean its okayy

    but try looking for other homemade toys around the house by looking through the internet or sifting through craft books

    cds just seem kind of boring

    like itll give the rabbit the notiion he can just play and chew up anything around the house

    because its not really specified as "his" thing  

  2. i wouldn't give it to mine... because it is plastic and could be chewed and eaten.   here's my fave toy for my bun- try it!  a toilet roll tube stuffed with layers of hay, dry food, hay, a treat, more hay! they love it x*x

  3. Sound cute :)

    CDs should be okay for your rabbit, but make sure they haven't started to melt (if they're left in sunlight).

    Otherwise, make sure that your rabbit doesn't break the CD and splinter it.

    Good luck!

  4. NO! Your rabbit wil eat the cds, and the plastic will kill her. Do not give them to her!!

  5. I'm not sure it's a good idea though.

    The key to keeping rabbits happy is to give them a time when they're let out of their cages and can run everywhere, anything with open space that can be like the wild will make them happy.

  6. Do not give that to your bunny. Its not safe at all for it.  

    there are toys and chew things available at pet shops stick to that. because  if it  chews on the plastic( bunnies  chew) and  breaks it  it can cut the bunny or choke it or hurt it in some other way.  

  7. Get a parrot/cat toy. Something with bells. :D We bought my female rabbit one of those bird toys that has these wood blocks strung on a string and a bell at the very end and she's swing her head around with it and make it jingle and chew on the wood.

    That or a cat toy with bells as, the rabbits often times like to make noise or like things that make noise(so long as it's on their terms.) It's not only amusing to watch but rabbits often times will get bored or irate and take it out on things such as their toys, so you will always hear it when that happens.

    ALSO. I noticed, my female rabbit likes those small knotted tug-o-war toys for dogs. She'd pick it up and fling it around.

    Just don't use CDs. They break far to easily and it's something that, if the rabbit chose to eat it, it could be very harmful if not deadly to her.

  8. Because the plastic is likely to splinter and have sharp edges, it's not a good idea for a toy. I've had rabbits for nearly 20 years as a rescue carer, and have a few toys ideas that my rabbits have loved to play with:

    Wooden chew toys designed for rabbits/guinea pigs from pet shops, empty toilet rolls, pine cones (very popular!!), twigs and branches from apple trees (no chemical sprays - apple only), empty plastic plant pots, ice cream containers, shoe boxes, clean toilet brushes or scrubbing brushes (rabbits love hard, bristly brushes!), tennis balls or larger kids' balls to push around, pvc piping to run through, pieces of cotton towel to drag around and sit on, hard plastic rings/toys designed for human babies to play with, old books (phone books, magazines etc) to tear up.

    These are just a few that I've used and that have been popular with my bunnies. Give them a try.  

  9. No, like several have already the rabbit will break them.  Rabbits like things to chew on such as wood.  Find something less fragile.  

  10. yes it could be potetially harmfull

    think of it this way - you put things from a computer on CDs, so basically CDs are a technology thing. giving one to your rabbit could be dangerous mostly because rabbits like to chew/bite/eat things, so do you want your rabbit to be eating technology?

    also if you have ever snapped a cd in have, some plastic flies off and can hurt you. if your bunny breaks it, the debris may hurt it.

    instead try those naturally flavored wooden orange triangles. bunnys chew on those and flip them around too.

    hope i could help :D

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