
I want my rabbits to run free, what should I do to keep them safe?

by  |  earlier

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I have a fenced in yard and they dont get out (yet) . i want the males in a area and females in an area. i have cement under the grass 1 foot out on both side of the fence. They love being out i jus want them safe.




  1. get a rabbit leash.  They sell them at pet stores and they are just for rabbits!  I took my rabbit for a walk (or whatever you call a rabbit hopping around a field) and i was so happy that I had it on a leash.  A huge hawk was flying over us and it actually went and caught a bird near us.  It was terrifying because my rabbit is not that big and the hawk could have gotten my rabbit if I wasnt near it.

  2. i got a new rabbit and it is wild and yes i want to keep it safe too. it is so little she has to be with us for a little while. i am hoping to keep her but u never know they would love freedom i am still thinking if i should let her go when she gets bigger. ireally dont look forward into letting her go but idk yet

  3. just try and keep an eye on them. it depends on how old they are, because if they are used to you, there is 99% chance they wont run away. if you want the males, and the females away from eachother incase they start breeding, just try and keep them in seperate hutches.

  4. i let my rabbit run freely in the backyard, and it wasn't fenced in all the way, but she still stayed in our yard. if you want them to be safe, then keep an eye on them, never let them out when you aren't home. it takes a cat seconds to hop a fence and kill a rabbit.

  5. Be careful about birds of prey, because they will take a rabbit out of a yard.  Assuming you don't want to cover your yard, make sure there are plenty of hiding places for your rabbits so they have a place to hide from hawks/eagles/owls.  Other than that, if the fence is secure, you should be safe from foxes and dogs.  Cats may be able to get in, though, so make sure the fence is high.  My cat is comfortable with jumping off a two story porch, and he can jump from the computer to a tall hutch, so if there are any boxes, they could jump onto the top of the fence, and then into your yard.

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