
I want my senior project to be published in alternative press. Any suggestions?

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I just started my senior year and have been informed that in order to go on the senior trip i have to do my senior project. I love music so wanted to write some kind of paper that would deal with music. but the project isnt just about writing a paper you have to do something that actually does something so i figured if i could get it published in Alternative Press which is one of my favorite magazines it would be a cool project and would be pretty sweet. Who would i contact at AP about this? What should the paper itself be about i was thinking a relation between the kind of music you enjoy and how that affects your social life but that might not really fit in with what AP puts in there magazines so i need some better ideas.




  1. Two years back I got my letter published in Alternative Press and I still have a copy of that mag today :). You should contact them through email plus what you write to them has to be eye catching for them to want to call you. It's worth a shot, just email them and see what they say. Maybe AP can help you come up with a thesis too. It does not hurt to ask.

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