
I want my snake back!?

by  |  earlier

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I sold my snake about a month ago, and her new owner told me that the kids' dad wants to sell her.

She asked me if I knew anyone that would want her, and I told her that I would take her back, then she said, "Oh, no. Thanks for the offer, though."

I told her that I would give her half of what she paid for her (I gave her the snake, cage, four mice, heating pad, cholla plant, water bowl, and bedding all for $50), and she said that she found someone else that would take her.

Is there any way that I could possibly try and convince her to give her back?

I miss her SO much more than I thought I would, and I don't want her going off where I'll probably never hear about her again.

I know I'm an idiot for selling her in the first place...

I have told her that I miss her and that I would really like to have her back if they could no longer take care of her, but she just didn't care...




  1. I'm sorry to hear that, it makes me feel sad for you. but it seems like this lady just wants the money, so I don't think you are going to be able to convince her otherwise unless you can give her the full amount that she is asking.

    I wish you better luck in the future though.

  2. get somebody to do it then give it to you ....or you can just go beat her up and get your snake back

  3. offer double money instead of half

  4. Ask a friend to do it. If she has an ad up somewhere, have the friend call in, saying they want the snake. Then you can give your friend the money, and the friend can go get you the snake.

    If there is not an ad, it might be more tricky because the friend will have to say they heard from you.
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