
I want my son to start school next year.?

by Guest62268  |  earlier

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Here is the question, my son will be 5 on september 2 of next year, I do not know what state we will be in but I know most of them require your kid to be five by september 1st, how picky are they on this, and what can I do to have him start. It's only one day and I really don't think that will make much of a difference in his skills especially since he will have two years of preschool by that time. I don't want him to have to wait another year to start school because of one day.

Any one that knows about this??




  1. The cut off has always been super strict.

    But...I lived in california and te cut off date is Dec 1st, but now live in texas and it is Sept 1st.

    My sons bday is 9-19...and yep he had to wait a whole year!!

    otherwise we would have had to pay for him to be tested to get in. Which is several hundred $$.

    So i think it is going to depend on the state. but you could put him in private school or preschool.

  2. if it says sept 1st it means sept 1st. if they bend the rules for you, then they have to bend the rules for the next person and it isn't going to happen. too much legal liability to make an exception for you and then not for the other person whose kid may be sept 3rd.

    these cutoff dates are almost always not flexible.

    they didn't allow it for me when i was a kid, and then much later didn't allow it for my daughter either in another state.

    don't get you hopes set on it it probably won't happen.

    jeez....let your kid enjoy being a kid as long as he can before he has to get out and find out what the world is about.

  3. The cutoffs are very strict when they have them.

    My brother's birthday is September 31st. When it was time for my brother to start school, the cut-off was November 1st. He barely made it in, and then they realized he really wasn't ready...the cut-off has to be somewhere, and usually the children who are just barely making it in aren't completely ready...

    So if you get to a district that has a cut-off that excludes your child, he is unlikely to be let in, despite having had 2 years of pre-school already.

    You might be able to get an exception made if you appeal to the school board, though. Maybe they have a test that can be given to him to see if he's ready for Kindergarten...

    Good luck, and if you'll list the states you -might- be moving to (even military are usually told several places that are possibles, and are rarely given anything not on that list), I can edit with the cut-off dates for those states.

  4. I am in california and my son started Kindergarten at 4 years old he turned 5 october 2nd.  

  5. I'll be honest... I know nothing, but being one day I'm sure that you could write a letter or visit the principal. If they say it is out of their hands then write a letter to the school board.

    Maybe even get a couple people from the preschool to write recommendation letters stating that he is ready?

    I would think this would work unless they are the type that says, it's one day for you, it's one month for another... we have to set a date and stick with it.

    Anyway, best of luck!!

  6. I am a teacher in California. I believe here you don't have to be 5 until December to start. But if it doesn't work out for him to start next year it might not be such a bad thing. Kids who start too young tend to have more difficulties than those who wait an extra year (in my experience).

  7. In most states the cutoff is fairly strict. In your son's case this is a good thing. It is so much better to be the oldest rather than the youngest in the class. If you pushed him ahead he would be competing with kids a full year older, and that is no small thing, especially for boys. Try giving him a third year of preschool in a different program.

  8. It depends on the district, but when there's a cutoff they're usually pretty strict on it.  However, you could always do a private kindergarten and then transfer to first grade in your local public school.

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