
I want my wife to be happy?

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My wife of 6 years is going through a self-confidence thing, where she doesn't want anything to do with me. how do i make fall in love with me again, and make her comfortable with herself again.




  1. You cant. All you can do is be there for her, remind her that you love her and think she is beautiful. She's going to have to be the one to be more comfortable with herself. If shes so unhappy with the way she looks, tell her to get her butt to a gym. I just lost 36 pounds.In two months I didn't like the way I looked so I changed it. I didn't sit around and mope and be a jerk to my husband.

  2. Her entire problem is not how she feels about you, its how she feels about herself.  When a person stops loving himself/herself they can't love anyone else as well as they should.  Its not rare.  Her feelings for you are still the same but she can't show it.  She needs to love herself again and this can be complicated.  You may be able to help her by doing and saying things that may boost her a little and then in the mean time, be very patient with her.  Good luck...

  3. I'd have to say she does still love's herself that she's dealing with right now.  

    You can't fix her, but you can help her fix herself.  Ask her how she wants to see herself...then ask her if there is anything that you can help her accomplish to reach that goal.  This can be physical or emotional!  

    Then, very slowly and sweetly, tell her how you see her...not flaws, but the things that you love about her and in her.  

    Help her to be able to do things for herself.  Take children (if you have any) to the park so that she can have a few hours alone.  Set up a salon or spa visit...see if there's something that she would like to learn to do!  

    Self-confidence is not something that you can give a person, but you can help them find it again!  Good luck!

  4. Welcome to marriage, my friend, get a lawyer, nope I mean a good one because you are about to be taken to the cleaners AND no matter how many back flips and somersaults you do, she will blame YOU for making her unhappy. Good luck, you're gonna need it. This is another example why men should refuse to get married!

  5. happiness comes from within.

    I don't think you can MAKE someone do anything.

    she needs to like herself before she can transfer love to anyone else.

  6. Is she doesn't want anything to do with you then it sounds worse than just self confidence.

    You need to make it very clear to her how you feel about this, does she still find you attractive etc etc

    Counselling may be an option as it can bring out problems that both of you didn't realise you had and then you have someone else involved to help you solve the problem.

  7. good luck...when they get to that point, its tough...

  8. may be you had hurt her without you realizing it. for example you ignored her, or doing something without considering what she feel which make her feel unappreciated and unneeded. when she feels that you don't need her anymore than she will dismissed herself so that she won't be hurt by you even though she still love you  

  9. Spend some money on a present for her

  10. You can't make someone fall in love with you. Just be there for her and support her, compliment her. Maybe she's depressed and needs proffessional help. But if you love her, the best thing to do is support her.  

  11. I would suggest she talk to someone. I also suggest that you let her know that no matter what you are there to support her & that you think she is absolutely beautiful.

  12. maybe get her a membership to a gym  

  13. You should be supportive and try to make her feel as comfortable as you can.  Tell her she's beautiful.

  14. Are you sure she's not cheating and she is using the self confidence thing as a front?  If it is that she just feels really bad about herself then just talk to her and see if she wants to do anything to improve herself and be supportive but her not wanting to have anything to do with you sounds like a bit much to me unless it is something like depression.  Good luck!

  15. make a romantic evening, make dinner and dessert, put rose pedals everywhere the house and in the bedroom and on the bed. buy her red roses, a chain or any of ur choice. and than  tell her how much u love her and how much she means to u. go down on one knee and show her that u really do love her. dnt forget candles and by the bath tub as well.

  16. You cant can you, your wife needs professional help.

    Support her but let someone else help her.

  17. It's really wonderful that you want to help your wife.  I have had the same problem as she does.  I gained weight and just didn't feel s**y or confident which made me self concious about being intimate with my husband.  I'm sure she still loves you.  Plan a special night or a special getaway for her.  My husband and I took a long weekend and rented a very private cabin in the mountains that had a hot tub on the back porch.  He cooked dinner for me with wine and my favorite dessert and then we soaked naked in the hot tub.  That definitely got the romance started again.  

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